Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [n mass] [conj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , the question of housing does require more extended treatment , both for its centrality as a material resource in the pattern of life chances of black people and for its possible role in understanding black pupils ' achievements in British schools .
2 Underlying such forms are the facts of the existence of other people and of their movement through time as well as space .
3 Do you prefer to exercise with other people or by yourself ?
4 He argued that the existing advanced gas-cooled reactor ( AGR ) programme was unlikely to offer much scope for overseas sales because of its high construction costs .
5 Many people would say that Jesus could not stop himself from healing people because of his overwhelming feeling of compassion and love for them .
6 Hans Baensch for being involved in the publication of one of the best general reference works on coldwater/tropical fish and for his lifetime 's work with fish
7 She is highly computer-literate , and good at explaining the use of the system to other staff and to our Library users .
8 Anger is a reaction to other people and to ourselves that stems from two cycles :
9 There was , for example , no indication that , either within its own construction programme of housing for single people or in its collaboration with a local housing association , any consideration was given to the housing needs of single disabled people .
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