Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] for many year " in BNC.

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1 Rediagramming of units , and the retention of old DMUs for many years longer than originally planned in order to keep up the fleet size to meet this new demand , have enabled the worst of the overcrowding to be contained , though there are at the time of writing ( 1989 ) stili several tight spots to be dealt with in certain areas at peak times .
2 The cards , which cover the period from 1910 to 1945 , belong to David Watkins from Bangor in Gwynedd who has been collecting samples of nursing humour for many years .
3 Yet women have been part of the world of paid employment for many years .
4 The resulting conflicts between county boroughs and county councils had ‘ dominated the work of local government for many years past ’ ( Redcliffe-Maud 1969:Vol. 1 26 ) .
5 Austria 's central location has made it a natural corridor for East-West trade for many years .
6 Chief Executive Neville Chamberlain said : ‘ We have concerned ourselves with environmental care for many years and are proud of our achievements so far .
7 Colour constancy , as this is known , proved a problem in visual perception for many years .
8 As ex-Leader of Haringey Council , and active in black politics for many years , Mr Grant was well acquainted with all the arguments about the alleged ‘ Loony Left ’ and threats to society as we know it .
9 If you 've been used to linear note-taking for many years , you 'll need to persevere with the Buzan method .
10 Special education has been subject to considerable controversy for many years .
11 I believe the Legal Aid Board 's assurances remove the risk of franchising being used as a stepping stone to competitive tendering for many years to come .
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