Example sentences of "[prep] [be] no [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There appears to be no shortage of the killer drugs alcohol and tobacco in Derry .
2 There was to be no repetition of the disaster two years previously in 1896 , when a crowd in excess of 60,000 had spilled on to the pitch .
3 We are happy to find that there is to be no repetition of the Buckingham House measures — beginning a vast edifice without money and without a definite plan , the upshot of which could be nothing but bungling .
4 On this occasion , sustained state intervention in agriculture ensured that there was to be no repetition of the inter-war years .
5 Timex said : ‘ Provided there is compliance with this call … there ought to be no repetition of the violent and disorderly behaviour to which the company 's employees have been subjected . ’
6 William Waldegrave , Secretary of State for Health , has shown himself to be no friend of the tobacco industry over the past few weeks .
7 There seemed to be no sign of the farmer and his wife .
8 But there was to be no repeat of the growing anti-war movement of 1916 .
9 Under the new President there was clearly going to be no relaxation of the competition between the two superpowers .
10 But there was to be no reversal of the British attitude .
11 Now they were perfectly entitled to claim this but this was going to confuse the jury and the jury would also be confuse by the fact there was going to be no mention of the fact which everybody was aware of that the men claim that they were beaten up while they were in custody .
12 If there was to be no viewing of the remains , the coffin was at once covered with plain or waxed cambric , glued and gimped into place .
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