Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So little irritations get filed away instead of being openly expressed and before long a boiling cauldron of repressed anger has extinguished their sexual fire .
2 Some of this work has been informed from personal experience either because of being physically challenged or from having worked as a therapist , as an artist in residence within a hospital complex , in a mental institution , or has a counsellor in a hospice .
3 The principles he acts upon are not adopted because of his social position or natural endowments , or in view of the particular kind of society in which he lives or the specific things that he happens to want .
4 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
5 Apart from any safeguards built into your employment contract , you may be eligible for statutory rights not to be unfairly dismissed and to redundancy pay calculated on the basis of a formula reflecting your age , years of service and ( up to a point ) salary level .
6 Disbelief that closures could be achieved within these constraints was never to be wholly suspended and in important ways served to hamper the subsequent implementation process .
7 In the meantime , practitioners who are concerned with transactions in land will wish to be adequately informed as to the of impact of the new tax and of the pitfalls be associated with it .
8 If you seem to be well organized and in command of the situation then you are likely to get an equally efficient response .
9 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
10 I knew before I started out that , weatherwise , the end of March is not the time to plan a journey to the Islands and my misgiving proved to be well founded as on Tuesday 23 March I found myself in the lounge at Dalcross Airport , Inverness watching gale force winds sweep snow across the runways .
11 However , this carries the risk that what is being implemented may need to be later unravelled because of second thoughts and if the original putting together of a change costs effort and resentment , going back on it may create further difficulties of relationships .
12 Its members would be appointed by the supervisory board , who would have to be regularly informed as to the state of the company 's affairs .
13 Given that the original model is assumed to be both closed and in equilibrium , there is no surplus constant capital to draw upon .
14 However , staff and line managers should be wary of an overcommitment of time and resources to enquiries , each to be individually assessed as to its merits ( charging for materials where appropriate ) .
15 It merely indicates that it is the duty of ‘ every person responsible for public records … to make arrangements for the selection of those records which ought to be permanently preserved and for their safe-keeping ’ .
16 In Cook v. Alexander ( C.A. , 1973 ) qualified privilege was accorded to a " Parliamentary Sketch " which , although impressionistic and selective , was considered by the court to be sufficiently balanced as to be fair and reasonable .
17 Perhaps they need to be better publicised or at different times/days .
18 This trend for library guides to be more flexible , to be better designed or to be tailored more to the needs of the user is encouraging , but it all goes for nought if the user does not use them .
19 This book sheds some light on events that deserve to be better known as for many the months that elapsed proved fatal .
20 However , this was to be short lived as on 12 September , there was another trolleybus conversion , which involved route 30 .
21 Two groups of animals can appear to be distantly related because of their size and body shape , and begin to diverge and then become similar in form much later because both share the same way of life .
22 Cramlington seems to be still planned but in the inner city we are now very definitely after the planners .
23 That school , like many of its contemporaries , was essentially a ‘ professionalizing ’ school preparing its better students for the more dignified occupations , rather than for higher education ( a development that was not to be fully realized until after 1945 and the expansion of the universities ) .
24 By the time Gen McCreery returned to Eighth Army HQ at the end of the afternoon , he had ample opportunity to be fully briefed as to what was going on .
25 I think it is erm Greater York that has been seen as an area with special problems because of its er historic character , erm which we spent many hours debating at the York greenbelt local plan inquiry , and I think most participants there accepted that the er what was being protected was not just the historic core , but also the setting of York and its surrounding ring of villages , and the way which it is proposed to protect that setting and character is by a greenbelt , now it follows that if you are imposing extremely severe restrictions on new development in an area around a settlement , then you have to meet the legitimate development needs for that settlement in another location , the further away that new settlement or other policy response is located it seems to me the less likely it is to meet the er needs of that settlement , and that will give rise to erm , you know , additional pressures on the settlement you are proposing to protect and maybe those pressures could not be resisted , and I think that 's why there is this requirement that erm the development which might otherwise be built on the edge of York , but which is not proposed to be so built because of the greenbelt needs to be located close , as close to York as is consistent with the original environmental objectives greenbelt objectives for the greenbelt .
26 This new weak current had also to be electrically charged because in beta decay the neutral neutron turns into a positive proton .
27 Because of the constraints of space , the number of guests had to be severely limited but during the afternoon more visitors were invited to look around the Lodge and see for themselves this latest jewel in the Association 's welfare crown .
28 You can see how Dorothy Sayers did it by having the victim being supposed to be actively painting when in fact he was dead , and it is by using some such piece of lateral thinking , making the victim provide the alibi in this instance , that the trick is probably most easily brought off .
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