Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [subord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instruction in methods for finding information is most likely to be successful if provided at a point when students are working on a non-library project or course which requires a literature search .
2 Such views are held by economists who consider the beneficial effects of the threat of a takeover to be minimal when compared with the damaging effects of short termism .
3 The management will also be asked to give certain non-competition undertakings , of a type often found in service agreements , but which are more likely to be enforceable if incorporated in an investment agreement .
4 What essential information would need to be available when dealing with an enquiry from a conference organiser ?
5 This discrepancy in drug uptake may explain why Ac-ASA seems to be ineffective when given to patients with ulcerative colitis .
6 Such knowledge could , however , continue to be useful when used in a regional context , which is what the RANs do , enabling members to react to a wider range of human rights violations in any given region .
7 In the case of more general or abstract essays ( on whole works , on authors or on critical issues ) , it is necessary to find other means of organising an argument — though some of the means also turn out to be applicable when looking at individual passages .
8 The question of whether warranties should be given on a joint and/or several basis is less likely to be relevant when dealing with an asset sale ( where the contracting vendor will usually be a company ) as opposed to a share sale ( when individual shareholders will often be asked to give warranties ) .
9 The risk of sexual transmission seems to be low when compared with hepatitis B virus , HIV , and other sexually transmitted diseases .
10 His knowledge of Scotland , its people , and its countryside proved to be invaluable when talking about whisky and from an early age he became an acknowledged and accomplished voice of the industry .
11 Following the loss of their mother by separation or death , those children who experienced either marked indifference or markedly low control from their fathers or substitute parents were three times more likely to be depressed when interviewed in adulthood than women with no such experiences ( Brown et al. , 1986b ) .
12 The 375 years since it was unearthed seems to be short when compared to the 900 years or more it had lain buried .
13 In Scotia , which had not been mentioned as part of the Archbishop Adalbert 's spiritual kingdom , a few members of the Norman party left at short notice , to be more than replaced in the next week or two by friends and kinsmen who wanted their posts .
14 On the other hand , it is likely to be more than counterbalanced by heightened household poverty within the larger poorer families , and an overall reduction in local-government spending as a large proportion of expenditure will be controlled by central government .
15 In 1973 the government ran a considerable campaign to instruct electors how to record their votes under the system of proportional representation , but it was thought that after the experience of two proportional representation elections in 1973 the electorate did not need to be more than reminded of what was required .
16 ( 5 ) This section shall cease to apply to any premises on such day as may be specified in the notice , if the holder of the licence or the club , as the case may be , gives notice of the disapplication of the section from the premises in accordance with subsection ) below : Provided that this section shall cease to apply to premises for which a public house or a hotel licence is held , or to the premises of a club , at any time on the licensing board ceasing to be satisfied as mentioned in the proviso to subsection ( 1 ) above .
17 ( 5 ) This section shall cease to apply to any premises on such day as may be specified in the notice if the holder of the licence or the club , as the case may be , gives notice of the disapplication of the section from the premises in accordance with subsection ( 6 ) below : Provided that this section shall cease to apply to premises for which a public house or a hotel licence is held , or to the premises of a club , at any time on the licensing board ceasing to be satisfied as mentioned in the proviso to subsection ( 1 ) above .
18 ( 5 ) This section shall cease to apply to premises on such day as may be specified in the notice if the holder of the licence gives notice of the disapplication of the section from the premises in accordance with subsection ( 6 ) below : Provided that this section shall cease to apply to premises at any time on the licensing board ceasing to be satisfied as mentioned in paragraph ( i ) of the proviso to subsection ( 1 ) above .
19 You have to be resourceful when catering for larger numbers .
20 It is important not to be inflexible when looking at housing options , although sometimes it seems that dogma is of overriding importance to staff and , indeed , more important than finding solutions which suit individuals .
21 And off-screen , too , he 's had reasons to be less than charmed by life .
22 A recent survey by the Consumers Association ( CA ) showed that a third of the tools hired from 32 randomly selected shops were found to be faulty when examined by experts .
23 Phosphorylates of tyrosine and protein tyrosine kinase , related to the src oncoprotein seem to be important as links between the integrin and intracellular signalling pathways .
24 If you have solid external walls , adding insulation is likely to be disruptive if tackled from indoors , and expensive if done on the outside .
25 Although prosecution followed by a fine can bring home to parents the reality of their child 's non-attendance problem , a financial penalty is likely to be inappropriate when imposed on what is often a poor family whose financial problems are already one of the factors threatening family stability .
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