Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The teachers do n't teach , the priests do n't bother , and they 're releasing all the lunatics into the community so they do n't get looked after and they 'll either pass out from exposure or starvation or kill people because they 're mad , and then they 'll be slung into prison to add to the overcrowding , and all in all it does n't make a lot of sense .
2 Well if we put the money into sets , lots of ten and the people into lots of ten we could cancel those tens out and it would just come down to five over fifteen .
3 So what I was wondering was er the scheme is in it 's infancy this and I 'm all in the favour of the decentralising in principle , but I think we ought to perhaps look at it a bit closer , and I would suggest that we have an up-to-date report at the next meeting of this committee so we can compare it over a longer term so , as that we might then reflect on a if we 're doing the right thing or not .
4 It 's got a steel bolt with two steel rollers in there , so that if , even somebody tried to hacksaw their way through that it will just slide along as soon as .
5 If hunting were banned on all of that it would only have a small marginal effect but we can as Mr said only ban hunting on land we both own and control , land in hand , that actually totals a hundred and fifty eight acres , slightly smaller than Victoria Park but that includes road , bridleways , land with no access , S S S Is , Sites of Special Scientific Interest , land awaiting disposal the land capable of being hunted and in hand totals fifty two acres about as much of Victoria Park as I can see from my front window .
6 I would n't do that gave vouchers looks as though you ca n't be bothered she knows I 'm getting that voucher of that I 'll probably go and see something .
7 He 's well thought of and we 'll probably appoint him if we can get the Area Health Authority to agree .
8 The pendulum of interest has swung so far in favour of the pro game that most young players of ability are determined to turn pro , irrespective of whether they can realistically achieve high enough playing standards .
9 This raises the prior question of whether we can usefully speak of control , except perhaps of systems controlled by people .
10 It began to be a test — the test — of whether he could still live with himself once the months ( but probably it would be years ) of imprisonment were over .
11 So how about if you 'd both like to find out what a thirtieth of the way round is using the fra the factors there .
12 Passing a street-light came to seem quite an event ; one watched their brave little sulphurous smudges receding with a feeling akin to despair , as if we might never find another .
13 as if we would so dishonour our mother republic ! ’
14 as if we would never have the time to say all the things we needed to say to each other .
15 Manuel Caballeros took immense care with his fifteen-foot putt , stalking the line in both directions , conferring with his caddie , who had taken the pin out , staring at distant parts of the green as if they might unexpectedly become pregnant .
16 He states these facts slowly and carefully , as if they might somehow have slipped her mind .
17 Mortgage rates increased dramatically and seemed as if they would never fall .
18 Old feuds of race were diminishing , rivalries and prejudices were by degrees fading out.Such frequent and such intimate relations had thus been established between nations , that it seemed as if they must soon unite in one family , in one single federal state .
19 It was as if they should simply fade away when they got old like the soldiers they represented on stage .
20 I might remember not to treat people as if they could only act in one way .
21 On the other hand , if we ignore the ego and its functions in man and concentrate on his instincts as if they could totally account for his behaviour as they do in animals who lack an ego , we should fall into the alternative trap of failing to account for his culture at all except as the outcome of doubtful instinctual behaviour of an altruistic or civilized kind .
22 In flight , its little wings look as if they can barely hold it in the air .
23 At the moment , Fergie 's high-flyers look as if they can only give away the title if it was not for carelessness against Newcastle they would still have a 100% record .
24 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
25 His glance swept all three of us challengingly : as if one could possibly forget a Surkov improvisation !
26 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
27 Emmie shivered as if she would never stop .
28 She felt as if she would never need sleep again .
29 Araminta 's face screwed into a mask of rage and she breathed deeply , as if she could barely contain herself .
30 She felt as if she could even feel smoke , stale and greasy , in her hair .
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