Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] of [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , bodies should determine a set of reasonable objectives to be achieved in the longer term , say over three to four years , for each of their areas of activity .
2 The survey , which was approved by the Ethics Committee , took place in January 1990 , and involved all 86 EHA DNs , who were asked to complete separate anonymous postal questionnaires for each of their patients with one or more leg ulcer .
3 When he died , he divided his liquid assets and his land between his sons , having first provided for each of his daughters through setting up trust funds which would provide them with a good income .
4 R. A. Fisher started to solve the problem in 1930 with the straightforward observation that each of us gets about one-half of our genes from our mother and the other half from our father .
5 you can talk about some of your results in here and we 'll discuss about anything that 's gon na be problems we 'll discuss how you 're can write it up and how you want to display the statistics if
6 Marking — persuade a fellow sufferer to read through some of your answers to written questions , which you should work under exam conditions .
7 Through some of his paintings of 1912 Picasso went so far as to say candidly to the spectator , ‘ j'aime Eva ’ ; at the same time he wrote to Kahnweiler of Eva , ‘ I love her very much and I shall write it on my paintings . ’
8 She said that she was waiting for some of her belongings to be sent on , but she 'd supply all her tax and National Insurance details as soon as they came .
9 This chapter : ( 1 ) describes how an expert is appointed , either by the parties or by a professional body ( 10.2 ) ; ( 2 ) explains the problems created by the absence of effective appointment machinery independent of the parties ( 10.3 ) ; ( 3 ) shows how an appointment may be invalid ( 10.4 ) ; ( 4 ) provides a list of appointing authorities with figures for some of their rates of appointments ( 10.5 ) ; ( 5 ) outlines procedures for making an application to an appointing authority ( 10.6 ) ; ( 6 ) shows that the court will not help parties obstruct appointments ( 10.7 ) ; ( 7 ) considers the difficulties that can arise from perceived conflicts of interest ( 10.8 ) .
10 But as you said if it is your responsibility you 'll have to do it all yourself , there are lots of resources and lots of other people who can actually help you out who have the knowledge and you can use because you can use it as a development tool ca n't you for some of your members of the section to give them some training expertise .
11 In the midst of his writings he used suddenly to include advertisements for some of his editions of prints already published , adding for good measure that ‘ His Highness the Prince Regent ’ had already ordered copies of the same .
12 The YCCC have always made it a policy to celebrate after each of their victories in the six-year ( continuing ) battle with the tannery , the city officials , and the Federal and State monitoring agencies .
13 It was claimed that the police investigated the attack which happened as Kylie returned to Australia after another of her visits to Britain .
14 Border was in good humour at Hove and agreed that he would prefer to attract some better headlines than the ones he has earned after some of his outbursts in the early part of this Ashes tour .
15 He was made out to be the bad guy playing against Seve , especially after one of their clashes at Wentworth in the World Matchplay , but I do n't know .
16 On Gordon Durie : ‘ I was n't surprised when he was substituted because he was already crying after one of my tackles on him . ’
17 Ira brought them from Victoria after one of his visits with Emily .
18 He was speaking after one of his planes with just over a hundred Britons on board left Jordan with more half the seats empty because of diplomatic red tape .
19 He was speaking after one of his planes with just over 100 Britons on board left Jordan with more than half the seats empty because of diplomatic red tape .
20 I must have been spot on his wavelength for I never left the quiet room after one of his healings without a sense , almost of VROOOOM !
21 Oscar Esmond Godolphin always recited a little prayer in praise of democracy when , after one of his trips to the Dominions , he stepped back on to English soil .
22 After 15 months of tough talks , Moscow agreed to pull out most of its troops by Nov 15 this year .
23 Malatie looked at the photographs of each of her children with equal pride .
24 This reflects , effectively , the sale of another of our shares in Cedar Fayre The profit on sale of fixed assets comes right down , as you again er , I think all know , we 've had the benefit of our last of shares and we 're actually rather pleasantly surprised that we were able to er , sell some land at Lakeside to CostCo , which is why we have some profit of three million er , for the first half of ninety three .
25 He commanded the government troops in Eritrea , and chaired the court martial in 1989 which disposed of 12 of his fellow-generals for plotting an anti-Mengistu coup .
26 Those who cynically exploit the current problems of the NHS and yet who purport to support its purpose ought to pause and reflect upon the effect of some of their activities in creating a mood of pessimism about its future .
27 The Tories were in some disarray after the association of some of their leaders with Jacobite intrigue : Oxford was impeached and sent to the Tower in 1715 , and although eventually acquitted in 1717 , his political power was effectively destroyed ; Bolingbroke fled abroad , and although he returned in the 1720s to play a leading role in the propaganda campaign against Walpole , he was not allowed to resume his seat in the House of Lords .
28 Less obvious , but important , is the fact that because interest rate changes are administratively expensive , building society interest rates are ‘ sticky ’ in comparison with those of some of their competitors like banks and National Savings .
29 While there has been contraction more recently , New Zealand Railways , almost uniquely , use the magnificence of some of their stations as a public relations and marketing feature .
30 And it it goes like this that the economy of North Yorkshire generally and of some of its districts in particular has reached the point where it is not possible from internally generated growth to provide er the jobs that the residents .
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