Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [Wh pn] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In particular we find the cases of what are called ‘ uses ’ or trusts — transactions whereby a man legally transfers land to another , but with an understanding that the transferee will hold it for the benefit of the former , or for the benefit of those whom he will name in his will .
2 Erm , I do n't think either a father or a mother intrinsically has to be necessary , I think what 's important is that children should have access to a variety of loving adults , one or two , or maybe three of those who they should have a special relationship with , does n't matter whether they 're male or female , so long as the , the children are loved and they feel secure and happy , it does n't matter about , you know , this is mother , this is father .
3 The rules of intestacy are very rigid and neglecting to make a proper will can have serious consequences for those whom you might wish to benefit .
4 In his office he had a blackboard , on which he transcribed diagrammatic models of the action , with letters of the ordinary alphabet for characters already invented and letters of the Greek alphabet for those whom he might need to invent ; he was contemplating a further six months of composition .
5 Captain Swift and his party are set adrift but the good fortune customarily accorded to characters in the right is this time acceded to those whom we must call villains .
6 A person writing a computer program , or a company manufacturing computer equipment will not necessarily be potentially liable to the world at large in negligence ; they will be liable , however , to those whom they could contemplate being adversely affected by any negligent act or omission of theirs .
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