Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [coord] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And then he let out a call of welcome and triumph and he turned round in his cage and , raising his wings , flew up and dashed his talons against the very top of his cage and , wheeling sideways , hit against the side of Minch 's cage as well so that the Cages were filled with the sound of his joy .
2 I can always remember that yeah , I won a book called And then er when we came out pictures on Saturday afternoon , there always used to be a gentleman there and he 'd had a great big basket and he 'd like he 'd have a bag of sweets and oranges in these er basket and they used to give the children a bag of sweet and orange and they came out and see pictures for a penny .
3 Her school is the only one in Richmond to provide a nursery class for three and four-year-olds and she says : ‘ We have places for 50 children but 100 more are waiting to be in . ’
4 Oh yeah a funny looking dog with horns on like that and others and everything standing in the middle of the field you call those funny sort of dogs , cows .
5 Try him with that and vegetables and I 'll give you some powder to mix in his food .
6 The rest of the maids had been threatened with hell-fire and damnation if they breathed a word .
7 The young eagle trembled with fear , and then shivered with cold and loneliness as he looked at the cage that surrounded him , and above to where the bars and wire mesh stood out harshly against the lowering sky .
8 Richard was so exhausted with cold and emotion that his laugh came out as a foolish titter .
9 Internal dating in Fragments B to D indicates with all but certainty that they were written on a daily progression ; B at the rate of three pairs of verses a day from 27 July to 29 October 1759 ; one verse a day from 30 October 1759 to 1 June 1760 ; and three verses a day from 2 June to 26 August 1760 ; C at the rate of two verses a day from 21 February to 12 May 1761 ; and D at the rate of one verse a day from 12 June 1762 to 30 January 1763 .
10 Melanie wrestled with self-pity and memory as she sat in the kitchen with her book while her aunt sewed the last seams of the Greek tunic .
11 Local artist Hazel Albarn has been working with ten and 11-year-olds and their teachers , helping them design and create large sculptures relating to their other work topics .
12 Edith died in 1871 and Maud and her sister Kathleen were cared for by a nurse and governess .
13 The Socialists claim proudly that it is their most left-wing manifesto since since they came to power in 1982 and hint that their liberal finance minister , Carlos Solchaga , is for the chop .
14 But gear it to stay between 2000 and 4000rpm and it soars away .
15 It became obvious to all but Aenarion and his followers that the war was lost and the world was doomed .
16 The late afternoon sun flashed again on red and chrome as he roared away .
17 As far as she could see there was nothing at all but mountains and she had a nasty feeling that they would be isolated behind them for some considerable time to come .
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