Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pers pn] leave the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most awkward and indigestible of all it left the problem of the afrancesados .
2 With that I leave the door hanging open and disappear fast down a deceptively steep gradient , masked by oily green creeper with wide leaves like Southern fans .
3 With that he left the room ; end of conversation .
4 And with that he left the room , closely followed by Matt .
5 He became a Congregational minister , but his views about God 's inclusive care for the ‘ ’ heathen ’ and his views about the divine revelation in the Bible , brought him into conflict with the narrow-mindedness of some of his congregation , and in 1893 he left the ministry to devote himself to writing .
6 In 1895 she left the mission to found the Esperance Working Girls ' Club with Mary Neal , and in 1897 she founded the Maison Esperance , a co-operative dressmaking business .
7 In 1904 he left the teaching profession to become missioner to the deaf in Carlisle for the next thirty-one years .
8 Although Japanese forces entered French Indo-China in 1940 they left the administration and armed forces intact .
9 A syndicate was formed to exhibit Merrick , ‘ The Elephant Man , Half-a-Man and Half-an-Elephant ’ , and in 1884 he left the workhouse .
10 In 1889 he left the lace business in search of larger fortunes and set up as a stockbroker in Nottingham .
11 None the less , he did succeed in maintaining the rights of the convent and on his death in 1331 he left the priory a considerable estate of books , vestments , plate , and horses .
12 In 1827 he left the Society of Friends , but throughout his life he remained a staunch supporter of Mechanics ' Institutes and the Chichester Savings Bank , which he helped to establish .
13 In 1931 he left the stage to write biographies , beginning with a life of his maternal ancestor Erasmus Darwin [ q.v. ] , and following this with The Smith of Smiths ( 1934 ) , a still popular biography of the Revd Sydney Smith [ q.v. ] which carried an inviting introduction by G. K. Chesterton [ q.v . ] .
14 At first it left the initiative to state and local government but then it progressively took away more and more of it .
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