Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Grey you could say they were dark , if you did n't know for definite you could say they were dark trousers .
2 Join us for that we 'll see you there .
3 right one for that I 'll give you two for his actor 's name
4 It 's — undignified , for one thing and for another it can get you into trouble .
5 I mean , when you can get Dick Tracy for free you 'll take it , but when you have to pay £10 for it you 'll leave it on the shelf .
6 Yeah , we wo n't charge you a pound for this we 'll charge you nineteen and eleven
7 I reckon just for this it 'll cost you about eighteen quid .
8 Then it would be her lunchtime , and probably another feed , and after that they 'd send her for her afternoon rest , and then collect the specimens and the data from him for the next day 's test session .
9 After that I would shower them away , and peering over my side — all in my mind — would watch them being swept down a hillside in a cleansing torrent of water .
10 Once they get wind of that they 'll have me in there like a shot — And me hands are getting worse .
11 Of that I can assure you . ’
12 He gives me £54 a month and I have to pay all the bills out of that It used to bother me at first , it does n't now .
13 If nothing comes of this he 'll keep you here .
14 Once you have got the knack of this you can do it anywhere , whenever you need it .
15 So it works sometimes take away but sometimes you get things like ooh let's see er I 'm making a mess of this you can write it out nicely .
16 If there is any more of this I shall weport you to the headmaster . ’
17 So I used to go for it , just in case , and nine times out of 10 he 'd find me .
18 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
19 If you 're one of these we 'll bring you to London to talk to the scientists and have your cellulite scientifically measured .
20 Take one of these they 'll make you feel better oh no do n't this is
21 When the child has gained a number of these it can exchange them for a rewarding object or activity .
22 I 'll give you examples perhaps of none , none of these I must admit I , I do n't , I do n't think , they 're not my style I much more my page my training tend to have just two or three points on it rubber stamps on the side flipchart all this sort of stuff big question .
23 er , first of all I would put it to my divisional board to my colleagues to ask for their thoughts and their advice erm , if they rejected it then it would n't go any further , if they approved it then it , because it was a budgetary item rather than just we can go out and spend it tomorrow , it was going into the following years budget , it would then go to the P L C board and they would have final say in whether that element should go into the , into next years budget
24 We 're going to now from first of all I 'll say it in order and then you can come up .
25 Well I mean first of all you 'll smell it .
26 Er first of all you will tell them that we want a contract .
27 Hello Kathy , I think first of all you should tell us what an area representative is .
28 Most of all she 'll miss you .
29 Er nine out of ten you can see it .
30 If you ask for clarification then nine times out of ten you will get it .
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