Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [subord] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Mercifully the traffic progresses for fifty yards before it stalls again , and the Rasta does not pursue her further , but Robyn keeps a nervous eye on her rear-view mirror .
2 Sometimes a murder enquiry will have been going on for some days before it emerges that there is a sexual element involved .
3 KEEP it under your hat is the golden rule for top chefs when it comes to sharing culinary secrets .
4 What does a claimant do then they 've got no money then for six weeks if it takes six weeks .
5 Where a possession order is made in respect of a " regulated tenancy " of residential property in a discretionary case ( Cases 1 – 10 ) , the court may stay or suspend execution , or postpone the date of possession for such periods as it thinks fit but it must ( unless there is exceptional hardship ) impose conditions as to payment of rent ( or mesne profits ) and arrears : s 100 of the Rent Act 1977 ; s 75(1) — ( 3 ) of the Housing Act 1980 .
6 There are fears of further leaks as it 's towed away .
7 In the context of this chapter , however , it is particularly important to deal with the corporatist perspective on the politics of organised interests since it provides some kind of challenge to the pluralist perspective ( even though pluralism and corporatism share a number of basic assumptions ) , and it fleshes out elements of the left critique of pluralism ( even though much corporatist theory is hostile to a Marxist theory of the capitalist state ) .
8 The Government could be heading for a damaging backbench revolt of Scottish Tories if it rejects Rosyth .
9 The proposed broadening of the granting of investment aids for the purpose of protecting and improving the environment ( part of Article 3 ) is to be welcomed although it does not appear to square with the basic investment aid objectives of such plans because it appears to mean that environmental investment per se will qualify for support , even if not part of an agricultural improvement .
10 This restricts the applicability of such rules since it renders them unavailable to any linguist interested in diachronic change or synchronic variation in a language .
11 Solent Blue Line offers no proper facilities , such as canteens , for workers and they can not all crowd into a bus to take advantage of such facilities as it provides .
12 The only difficult character is the catfish , which during its formative life feeds upon aquatic insect life , but which will turn its attention to small fish and the tails of larger ones as it reaches maturity .
13 More or less handmade , a pocket-sprung mattress is expensive but the best bet for couples of differing weights as it gives each sleeper individual support .
14 He said copyart can be practised by people of differing abilities because it takes little or no skill to produce exciting and impressive images .
15 Make a reference on the face of the profit and loss account as to the position of the statement of retained profits if it does not immediately follow the profit and loss account .
16 Note that this claim would not be undermined by showing that infants ‘ mindlessly ’ master the communicative content of structured sentences before it dawns on them gradually that assertions express beliefs and that deceit is possible .
17 This principle stems from the desire to preserve the value of the company 's assets for the benefit of all creditors once it becomes insolvent .
18 This mafia have the best of all worlds when it comes to the macabre — from guns to medieval poisons , manifestations of the latter used in a superb makeup job for the death of the Duke .
19 Its Win/U answer to the problem is expected to debut as a commercial product by the end of the year and is claimed to be a step ahead of rival technologies because it requires no Windows source code , see page four .
20 This has important implications for the study of protein-protein interactions because it demonstrates how one protein can bind to all members of a class of highly variable proteins by means of secondary structural interactions and recognition of highly conserved residues .
21 Sangenic can take about three days ' supply of soiled nappies before it needs emptying .
22 The exercise of choice turns out to be sufficiently special to justify the imposition of contractual obligations because it meets the criterion of a moral principle that promises ought to be kept .
23 While the price of doing business in Russia is high — the cost of office space in Moscow , for example , is rocketing — Hall reckons Sun kit will cost less in the Commonwealth of Independent States than it does in the rest of Europe , where customers are used to paying a premium for computer products .
24 But its conception of the international economy is different from that of world-system theories because it sees it as created and conditioned by the rivalry between different nation-states .
25 The latter technique allows the presentation of signed stimuli since it involves brief visual presentations of material .
26 We must also remember that the Bible has more to say about giving to meet the needs of other individuals than it does about supporting Christian institutions .
27 I have n't used the word poverty I 've used a phrase about lack of financial resources because it relates more obviously and directly to many of the concerns of the Board for example almost certainly the real reason why there was no room in the inn at Bethlehem is that the income of a village carpenter did n't go near the exorbitant prices being charged by mine host when , to use the good Scots phrase , the cow calved and there was this boom over the crows for the census .
28 It has attracted the interest of physiological psychologists because it enables them to study the operations of one cerebral hemisphere , isolated from input from the other .
29 Certainly there are many difficulties facing Irish studios — but we have long believed that the wholehearted support of local musicians when it comes to making albums would make an enormous , positive difference .
30 The sovereignty of Parliament means that it can create , abolish or amend the powers of local authorities as it determines .
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