Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adj] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They have argued for decades as to whether we are a result of our environment or our genetic inheritance , and there are always supporters for each extreme as well as for every position in between .
2 An apparent opportunity for , or at least inclination to , US participation in Vietnamese national affairs as suggested in Saigon was soon to become a recognized imperative in Washington : and when the French ministers arrived in October 1950 to ask how much could be expected from the US to avoid financial disaster it was the drain of resources in Vietnam as much as the problems of French rearmament in Europe which prompted a close examination of French budgetary as well as military plans .
3 Consequently , the functionalist approach tends to be built on an organicist conception of society , generally embraces a positive conception of liberty , and looks on democracy as an achievement of great moral as well as evolutionary importance .
4 Indeed , the pamphlet called Schools Under Threat makes an even broader assertion suggesting that schools are the centre of many urban as well as rural communities .
5 The extremely controversial nature of this topic makes such a project of considerable practical as well as theoretical relevance .
6 The model of pediplanation served to extend knowledge about the earth surface ; to introduce greater cognizance of world landscapes because in his later papers King correlated surfaces from Australia , Africa and South America and in the Morphology of the Earth in 1962 embraced landscapes from the northern hemisphere as well ; and to include earth movement in the form of cymatogenic arching as well as exogenetic processes as an integral part of the cycles of landscape development .
7 The instruments use proprietary toroidal mirrors which correct for astigmatism and are capable of real-time spatial as well as spectral analysis when used with CCD type 2-D detector arrays as well as in focus performance with linear diode arrays .
8 Many other contemporary examples of both national as well as international institutional policy in which the market is seen as the only means to improve peasants ' and pastoralists ' incomes and to increase their contribution to the national exchequer can be found in Heyer , Roberts and Williams ( 1981 ) .
9 Contrary to the belief that the fourth century mosaics of this region are the products of consecutive phases of the same school of mosaicists , it now seems reasonable to assume one specific and one more general trend of mosaic building , with many chronological as well as stylistic overlaps .
10 On giving up the mastership , Plummer became verger of the royal free chapel of St George at Windsor Castle , with important administrative as well as processional duties , and retained this post until his presumed death in 1484 .
11 There were 180,000 guestworkers in East Germany including 40,000 Vietnamese as well as Mozambicans and Cubans ; 40,000 North Koreans had been recalled by their government when demonstrations threatened the old regime .
12 Enteric inhibitory nerves , similar to those that subserve the rectoanal inhibitory reflex , are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and mediate relaxation in both sphincteric as well as non-sphincteric circular smooth muscle .
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