Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
2 Although responsibility for the financial statements lies with the entity and its management , in order to mitigate engagement risk it will be necessary for MAS to be satisfied with the information presented in the financial statements of the entity being divested .
3 There is no need for Labour to be ashamed of its defence record , although the Conservative document ’ Britain 's Defence : Unsafe in Labour 's hands ’ gives the impression that a Labour Government would destroy the Navy , devastate the Army and demolish the Royal Air Force .
4 The only other possibility was a large-scale uprising in the eastern area of the Province , while the Roman army was concentrated on the western frontier , but for this to be effective in diverting the Roman plans , timing was of vital importance .
5 For this to be acceptable to teachers they have to have confidence in the ability and independence of the inspectors : independence , that is , from the education authorities who are their employers .
6 He is entitled as of right to be present at all meetings of the council , its committees and subcommittees .
7 The Belgian state phone company Belgacom and P&T Luxembourg have cosily been awarded the contract to install the European Parliament 's internal telecommunications network , which requires that they supply , set up and operate the private network , integrating all services used by the deputies and the administration : the network links Brussels , Luxembourg and Strasbourg and will be installed during the summer of 1993 to be ready for the first autumn session .
8 It is , however , unrealistic to expect all of these to be visible in all locations , especially in rural areas where the balance of tenures differs considerably from the national picture .
9 The distribution of land , all land under of production confiscate with the exception of those to be nationalized to be taken over by the Peasant Association , the unified
10 Listed below are some of those to be wary of :
11 For these to be useful to schools , teachers need to find economical ways of distinguishing authorised from unauthorised absence , of distinguishing ‘ real ’ from condoned absence and to look for patterns of absence taking actual pupils as the starting point rather than a more generalised attendance rate .
12 Mr President Portsmouth is a thriving maritime city with much to be proud of we have many supreme attractions Victory Mary Rose and Warrior amongst others which I hope you will have a chance to visit some time during your stay here in Portsmouth .
13 Pending further research , I can not consider the word in 10.1 to be inconsistent with the language of the rest of the book and therefore evidence of interpolation .
14 The Environment Ministry 's proposed Packaging Ordinance states that : " The causers of packaging pollution — trade and industry — are in future to be responsible for taking back , recycling , re-using and disposing of their products " .
15 This is when the pupil is still coming to terms with using a low vision aid and is not yet skilful in its use , but needs to read text and notes that are too advanced in content to be available in the large print of junior and early reading books .
16 It was hoped in this way to reduce the high refusal rate which is a hazard in sociolinguistic surveys , and indeed the method seemed in general to be successful in this respect ; altogether , out of 40 addresses visited , only 8 refusals were recorded .
17 As long as I stay confined to this moral nihilism , the single unquestioned imperative will be to act intelligently , and in particular to be aware of objective conditions , of those obstinate facts about external difficulties and my own limitations which thwart my efforts unless I recognize and adapt myself to them .
18 Digital 's vice-president for manufacturing and logistics , Edward McDonough , said changes in the world computer market and the need for Digital to be close to its major customers — Britain is its largest single market in Europe — were the reason for cutting the Irish plant .
19 Because one is using Euclidean space-times , in which the time direction is on the same footing as directions in space , it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge .
20 And there was nothing at all to be afraid of .
21 It 's just that after four long , very long , years , a little light seems at last to be discernible through the gloom .
22 Possible early human ancestors existed in Pakistan two million years ago , while the much earlier Sivapithecus from India and Pakistan is held by some to be ancestral to all the great apes including man , or perhaps just orang-utans and man .
23 A typical model , considered by some to be applicable in any communication situation , would take the following form :
24 The big Levin ‘ Goliath ’ is thought by many to be equal to Martin 's Dreadnought in sweetness , tonality , power and playability , possessing its own ‘ voice ’ and with volume to spare .
25 The substance , called Myodil , is now believed by many to be responsible for causing arachnoiditus .
26 There are bills from London tailors and hat-makers and the same building holds the tomb of Anthony Foster , thought by many to be instrumental in the demise of this popular young woman .
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