Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 During that time we won it 3 times despite being in the second division for half that time .
2 I remember also during that summer I thought it would be a nice idea to show Lubin some of the wonderful churches near Bayreuth .
3 The principles underlined , document , this project are er coarse , you would say , and for that reason we oppose it .
4 er actually who are all in front , mostly from Stanton which I represent , they have made their views known to me some years ago , er this might happen , erm I 'm very glad that you have responded now to their concerns as well as the concerns of the villages and , and this paper does mark significant erm success co-operation between a lot of people involved and for that reason I welcome it , I would ask if it becomes be prepared to make it six months instead of three months please .
5 The Second Quartet , composed in 1951 , is a far more concise work in a much freer tonal idiom , mostly avoiding the elaborate texture which marks the earlier quartet : perhaps for that reason I find it the more memorable of the two .
6 At a time when governments seemed to have learnt a great deal about economic management they found it increasingly difficult to practise it .
7 There had always been something of the fairground barker about Mr Broadhurst and during this period he enhanced it .
8 He was carrying the same carrier-bag and for some reason they found it impossible not to stare at it .
9 Then for some reason he smells it — and at once he knows .
10 I said we 've got ta be home before Michelle cos I had the key , for some reason I put it in my pocket
11 For some reason I thought it would be better just to go to her so she could see I was all right . ’
12 Allen told a conference prior to the company 's annual meeting that March calling volumes were strong , ‘ even discounting for some weather which popped it up a bit . ’
13 The following weekend , Elliott went to the Manor to meet Branson and discuss the proposition further , but after some thought he turned it down .
14 After some consideration he kicked it still further into the undergrowth .
15 Now , I appreciate my , there was n't time to overrule really but in this incidence do you wish to speak but if that point can be made so that it for future debate we know it .
16 We are concerned , firstly , to provide a justification for power being vested in the state ; and then , secondly , we seek to demonstrate that there are constraints upon the exercise of that power which prevent it from being used to infringe the liberty or equality of individuals .
17 Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home and for the rest of that evening she found it difficult to get David Markham out of her mind .
18 It was of little consequence which quarter it came from .
19 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
20 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
21 The reading of the passage , or the listening to an extract of spoken language , has to be such as to be dependent , a part of some activity of broader significance which provides it with a cause and a consequence which have independent point .
22 The conservative critique thus argues that the type of order which liberalism envisages ‘ tends to produce a sort of mindless hedonism which renders it defenceless against more vital tyrannies ’ .
23 This is why , with baits that differ in size , weight , and where on the bottom they lie in regard to cleanliness , we have to use various permutations of length of bite indication , that is to say , the amount of free line we allow it to take before striking .
24 When a central bank buys a surplus of foreign currency it exchanges it for domestic currency , here Deutschmarks .
25 The truth of the youth 's beauty will be distilled by the addition of poetic ornament which makes it seem more beautiful .
26 Whichever wa it does n't matter if it 's really daft if you can think of some way yourself to remember it to remember that kitten has got a K and cat has got a starts with a C.
27 There are many ‘ folk ’ variants of this tune which adapt it to rather different musical traditions .
28 You all know what Strats sound like and what 5-position selectors do , but to get an overall picture of this guitar I lined it up against a regular office hack ( a Tokai hybrid with an old ‘ 58 Fender neck and Alnico Pro II 's in the middle and bridge positions ) and can report that the SRV came out well .
29 The essential characteristics of this primacy which distinguished it from such primacies as that of Hamburg or Lyons were , first , that it was centred in a monastic community , and second , that its roots and its authorization went back ( as Anselm was persuaded ) to its original constitution in the seventh century .
30 And although the er , the causal relationship is not completely established , it is a very helpful way of remembering that one of the principle distinguishing features of this organism which separates it from other members of the genus staphylococcus it pr it produces this enzyme to coagulate things on and the effects of this enzyme are illustrated here as against the control preparation , you see a clot form due to the action of this enzyme on clotting practice which has been put into this test tube serum .
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