Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] i [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dick , thank you for those kind words , er , specially about er my book , and I think I am considering appointing you as my agent er , you also said er that I 'd dr drawn the short straw indeed you er whispered to me that I was the sacrificial lamb this morning well we 'll see about that but I do know that I have the great honour to be invited to speak to congress this morning on behalf of the G M B parliamentary group .
2 Oh I do n't know about that cos I 've got to understand it have n't I .
3 But I mean , I do n't think you need to worry about that cos I think got round that when they when they converted up to .
4 oh sorry well I do n't wan na talk about that because I want to get to business
5 not for that , I have n't heard it for that cos I 've heard
6 Mrs Mary Yates is arranging the programme for 1993 and I 've asked her to let you have a copy .
7 After all that I 've left ciggies in the car .
8 ‘ I 'm not asking for advice– but I want to talk through something with you .
9 And as you ladies and gentlemen now are thinking of retiring as I have done the least thing you want to be bothered about is rules and regulations .
10 ‘ I thought of that but I have made some enquiries .
11 Then it got quite boring , and it was really hard work , and now after the first year 's finished I 'm glad we thought of that because I 've done quite well .
12 But some of my structure is unique to me , my history for example , and no one else can know much of this unless I choose to relate it to them .
13 These documents appear to be expanding in length daily , but the principal provisions tend to remain constant , and it is because of this that I have felt able to expound a series of amendments which I believe a commercial conveyancer should have in mind in considering the draft documentation .
14 It is n't one of the large free-standing circular linkers ( through Silver do have one of these and I hope to write about it in a later article ) .
15 TOM : You know what 's amazed me most of all that I 've seen is Big Tree .
16 There was no escape : ‘ I am a part of all that I have met . ’
17 but like I said nine times out of ten if I 've got pissed off with an album I change all of them .
18 If it starts with a C sound we 'll try a C if it 's not one of those that I 've remembered starting with a K then it 's probably a C.
19 Although , ’ she dared to confess , ‘ I 'll probably think of more when I 've digested what you 've told me . ’
20 It 's kind of ridiculous that I have to backtrack after doing the performance I did in King Of Comedy , but it 's a very mercurial business .
21 Remote and isolated , the quarries were remarked on by many an unbelieving traveller in this region which Defoe called ‘ the wildest , most barren and frightful of any that I have passed over in England …
22 from you , then you get changed and then go , but , last week he took the car , cos when I got home , first I was late last Wednesday , well I say late , I did n't get back here , erm , until seven , so by the time I got home it was quarter past seven and I have to make sure I get to Weightwatchers between seven and eight .
23 By the way , I 've seen to it that there are enough knives , forks and crockery for three and I 've told Gladys that it 's also her responsibility to keep the flat clean and tidy .
24 ‘ To be a manager you have to have a strong personality , and I 'm not really like that unless I 've had 23 pints .
25 In a case like that as I have said right from the outset , this is a conflict of interest for me .
26 People tell me they 'll fade and that I should n't worry about them , or that I should n't bother about things like that when I 've got a baby , but I ca n't help it .
27 ‘ YES , I was fired up — I always get like that when I 've had a bit of stick and I have had a lot of stick lately . ’
28 It 's like that when I do phone up in n it ?
29 ‘ I 've been offered a sum that would buy my house twice over to pose for topless pictures like that and I 've turned every offer down flat . ’
30 and he 's he 's a bit younger than me and I 've gone come on then give us a kiss , like this , and he 's gone like that , I thought , just there like this and I 've leant over and went just there .
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