Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] [verb] [pron] own " in BNC.

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1 If more than one LIFESPAN system is running simultaneously on a computer it will be necessary for each one to operate its own independent offline system using different media items .
2 The day after that they hired their own helicopter , landed in the local village , repossessed their wire , flew it back in and re-erected it .
3 Making overtures towards another who mirrored our own disquieting and long-buried Chinese identity was both a fearful and exciting prospect , and neither of us quite got up the nerve to take the initiative .
4 At the age of twenty-eight he established his own printing business .
5 Paul Marland is one of thousands who used his own personal wealth of at least a quarter of a million pounds to become a Lloyds name .
6 But relatives of those who died , including three who took their own lives are calling for a new , full and independent inquiry .
7 For those who grow their own tomatoes or can buy from the market when the fruit is cheap , here it is :
8 Well , this morning it 's our great pleasure to welcome three visitors to the session , one of whom I 'm not entirely sure is welcome because I understand that in fact he 's in some way a slight opposition in that he runs his own training course .
9 and you maybe miss something , from this you have your own , that 's right and its somebody else teaches you another angle then there 's possibility for ex , ex , expanding possibility
10 He was an eccentric individual , and in 1962–63 he opened his own museum in Provincetown , Cape Cod , in which he hung the Chrysler Collection .
11 After five years , Josiah was ready to set up in business on his own account , and in 1759 he established his own enterprise .
12 In 1715 he published his own writing rules , rigid and meticulous in form , entitled The Standard Rules of the Round and Round-text Hands .
13 At a meeting of the Royal Medical Society in 1860 he gave his own gloss on the prostitution debate .
14 But , even though in 1983 we have our own depression and the shadow of the bomb hangs over us , we seem to want to believe in astral goodies , cuddly ETs who , when we have close encounters with them , make us deeper , more meaningful beings through imbibing their goodness and wisdom .
15 In 1610 Witt joined with seven other London mathematicians in recommending a new book on accountancy and arithmetic , William Colson 's A General Tresury of Accounts for all Countries in Christendome , and in 1613 he published his own treatise , Arithmeticall Questions , touching the Buying or Exchange of Annuities , which demonstrated the utility of mathematical knowledge for men of business .
16 In 1990 I went my own way in setting-up the bike , instead of following [ Reinhold ] Roth 's way .
17 To this he adds his own more individual list of suspect conceptual categories : the subject , class , ideology , repression , the science/non-science distinction , as well as any general theory of society , causality , or of history itself .
18 Among those who owned their own homes the party trailed third behind the Conservatives and the Liberal/SDP Alliance .
19 It was a whole new experience , and at first it made my own feeling of being a fraud even more acute .
20 At last he had his own wheels .
21 By 1907 it had its own herdbook and numbered about 35,000 .
22 At 12 , Michael Green could read a balance sheet ; by 20 he had his own company .
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