Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [verb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Concern about this led to the appointment of the Plowden Committee on the Planning and Control of Public Expenditure which reported in 1961 .
2 I bite my lip and worry about this coming to an end .
3 The hiatus after 1986 relates to a crisis arising from a large volume of issuance in relation to demand at excessively tight spreads , although it was triggered by concerns regarding regulation of banks ' issues ( see Davis , 1989 ) .
4 Results showed that 95 per cent of the registered electorate of 193,800 went to the polls and that 90 per cent of these voted " to remain part of Yugoslavia with Serbia and Montenegro and others who want to preserve Yugoslavia " .
5 Some 86 per cent of the electorate of 35,000 went to the polls .
6 About 85 per cent of the electorate of 1,692,000 went to the polls , all those aged 18 and over being eligible to vote .
7 Held , allowing the application , that since section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 made provision for persons arrested for breaking bail conditions , or on the likelihood of their so doing , to be brought before a single justice , it was an enactment falling within the exception contemplated by section 121 of the Act of 1980 which , in any event , was limited to summary trials of informations and the hearing of complaints under the civil jurisdiction ; that Parliament had intended by section 7(4) to create a simple and expeditious procedure whereby a justice was required , before forming an opinion under section 7(5) , to conduct no more than an informal inquiry , hearing the arresting officer 's grounds for belief that the person had broken or might break his bail conditions and allowing that person to respond , but without the giving of evidence on oath or cross-examination ; and that , since the provisions of the Act of 1980 relating to the adjournment of proceedings before magistrates ' courts did not apply , there was no power in the justice to adjourn proceedings under section 7(5) ( post , pp. 24A , G — 25B , C–G , 26B , E–F , H — 27A , G–H ) .
8 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
9 The Dolgarrog Dam disaster of 1925 led to the passing of this legislation .
10 I want a sample of that to go to the Met Lab urgently .
11 ‘ Part of that refers to the ways in which people fall short in their living , which is what we call sin , so it is not simply about that .
12 You feel the weight of that compared to a gateau box .
13 What do you think of that compared to the numbers ?
14 None of that relates to the targeting of advertising on young children .
15 Kerr includes a table of estimates in which it is clear that the ceilings of servants will be several feet lower , the cost of their rooms a mere quarter , and their floor space — despite their larger numbers — less than two-thirds of that allowed to the family .
16 Other theorists ( e.g. Mackintosh and Reese 1979 ) ( see also Wagner 1981 ) attribute the effect to competition between stimuli at a perceptual level , suggesting that because of some limited capacity mechanism , attention can be paid to one component only at the expense of that paid to the other .
17 At the core of Anthony d'Offay 's exhibition of new works by Anselm Kiefer ( 4 June-24 July ) is an installation entitled ‘ Die Frauen der Revolution ’ , which returns to a theme already investigated by the artist in a large picture of 1986 belonging to the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam .
18 Returning to the Red Cross building , the house opposite ( 20/184 ) by F. M. Kaňka of 1720 belonged to the Hartig family .
19 In the suckler ring an entry of 49 sold to a top of £1,460 and £1,300 for two pedigree Charolais cows with bull calves at foot .
20 TRADE : The gradual improvement in trade has held for the first four months of 1993 according to the Builders Merchants Federation .
21 Income under the category of Public Policy has increased to £173,141 but a sizeable element of this relates to a number of projects associated with the Council 's Diamond Jubilee Year and will not necessarily be repeated in the year ahead .
22 One simple example of this relates to the use of " s , discussed in the previous section .
23 The obvious unfairness of this led to the practice of providing , on issues of non-participating preference shares by public companies , that on redemption or any return of capital the amount repaid should be tied to the average quoted price in the months before .
24 ( He told a visiting American that £1,000 of this went to the orphanage and theological college he had founded while the rest went towards the stipends of his assistant ministers .
25 All of this adds to the time involved in the process and certainly adds to the fees .
26 In e-mail systems it is possible to receive a number of related messages from different people on screen , to then go into a statistical package and do some calculations , and on the basis of this come to a decision which one communicates to a different set of people .
27 I can not find that it was undue influence of the kind which sapped her will and destroyed her volition , but I am satisfied that the pressure of her mother , the very presence of her mother , the mother 's fervent belief in the sin of blood transfusion , the patient 's desire to please her mother , despite their troubled relationship , all of this contributed to the focus of attention being drawn to blood transfusion before anyone else had ever contemplated its need .
28 A headline in the early weeks of 1991 referred to a 20% failure rate in reading skills ; an alternative , and preferable , line would have been an 80% success rate and a reminder of the conclusion of the Warnock Committee that , at any one time , 18% of the school population has special educational needs .
29 The defeat of the Welsh rising of 1294 led to the inception in 1295 of James 's last great commission , Beaumaris Castle in Anglesey , Britain 's most perfect example of the concentric castle plan .
30 Alternatively , the Soviets might select the site at Brawdy as a target for a sudden nuclear strike in order to demonstrate that they were able to protect their submarines in the Atlantic and so maintain the nuclear threat which the presence of such posed to the United States .
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