Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] it [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Louis VI intervened on behalf of one of them , William Clito , son of Robert Curthose , and therefore a claimant also to the duchy of Normandy ; for some months it looked as though Clito would establish his right .
2 For some purposes it matters that mice are not cats , while for others what counts is that both are animals .
3 For some reason it felt as though she was being sucked into something by a card-sharp .
4 For this writer it began when , shortly after stepping off the plane in Johannesburg , it became apparent that a few stitches sustained by the All Black winger Terry Wright in a training accident was deemed as worthy a front page news story as the continuous blood-letting in the Natal townships between rival ANC and Inkatha factions .
5 After eleven minutes it looked as though the changes would work , when John headed into the net from a centre by Hulme .
6 After eighteen months it happened as I had foretold .
7 After a period of some confusion it seems that Carvin gear is going to get proper distribution in the UK .
8 But from the two paper on pages 539 and 541 of this issue it seems that , in at least one important respect , the mammalian visual cortex and the insect optic lobe operate upon visual patterns in a similar way .
9 From the patterns of ethnic segregation it appears that a new American ethnic melting pot — or set of melting pots may be forming .
10 By applying a strict rule of corporate personality it decided that a restriction which benefited any person other than the contracting parties was " in gross " and therefore unenforceable .
11 And as proof in the healing power of accepted love her hands undid him , as he undid her , until , naked together , he lifted himself to enter her , and if for McAllister there was a moment of trapped fear it disappeared when she was truly his , and they were , at last , one thing , moving together in harmony in an experience quite unlike the shock and terror which she had felt with Havvie , and had always feared would happen to her if she ever made love again .
12 Despite the lack of statistical significance it seems that contact with food provided the most potent stimulus to inducing motor activity .
13 As for movies which might use the old gothic mechanisms to haunt the imagination in more complex ways , to plunge you into the real nightmare of history , in the politically and morally conservative world of modern Hollywood it looks like they do n't stand a ghost of a chance
14 Apricot really stole a march on the competition last September with a couple of new PCs it described as optimized for workgroup operation .
15 For these reasons it seems that it is not so much that people are making more of a fuss about bereavement these days but rather that the traditional ways of coping with it are not readily available , so that alternative ways of supporting people have to be found .
16 For long moments it gazed and the rabbits remained motionless , staring back without a sound .
17 For many men it implied that women would be introduced to freedoms and pleasures previously enjoyed only by themselves , and conceived in exactly the same terms .
18 With each provocation it seemed that the next step would be an outright Russian invasion .
19 When records are filed under this system it means that all documents relating to the subject are brought together under one heading , for example :
20 With domestic cats it means that , every so often , the old ‘ standby ’ diet suddenly becomes unattractive and a brief change is required .
21 And with fine understatement it records where getting from A to B is virtually impossible : ‘ There are no rail services in Equatorial Guinea , few tarred roads , very few buses and no taxis . ’
22 With local , with in-house teams it means that we are protected from that ever happening , and I hope that our in-house teams will continue to go on and on from strength to strength , valuable resource to the county council .
23 From conversations , like this , with Afro-Caribbean pupils it appears that many see a conflict with teachers as an inevitable response to the attitudes held by teachers towards their ethnicity .
24 With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey .
25 For those with special needs it meant that drafts were not something to be ashamed of .
26 Thus if a policeman gives directions to a traveller , a doctor tells a nurse how to administer medicine to a patient , a householder puts in an insurance claim , a shop assistant explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool , or a scientist describes an experiment , in each case it matters that the speaker should make what he says ( or writes ) clear .
27 Since there is an intelligent system at work in each person it follows that if discomfort or dysfunction is necessary in order to maintain harmony within the system as a whole then the disease will manifest in the least important parts possible thus preserving the higher functions of the person for as long as possible .
28 In that regard it appears that membership of an association creates between the members close links of the same kind as those which are created between the parties to a contract and that consequently the obligations to which the national court refers may be regarded as contractual for the purpose of the application of article 5(1) of the Convention .
29 With the detector in omnidirectional mode it bleeps when it receives any radar swap from within 5 miles ( 8 km ) .
30 From further inquiries it seems that the policy in these two community pharmacies , and presumably in many other equally commercial establishments , is not to use the available , but more expensive , child resistant containers unless they are specifically requested by customers .
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