Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] i 've [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
2 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
3 ‘ I just hope that after that build-up I 've lived up to my reputation ! ’
4 And as you can see , even after three print I 've managed to lift off quite a lot of scum from the surface .
5 ‘ Do you know how many firms of bloody architects I 've traipsed round to in the past two months ?
6 I do n't want her to end up with the sort of empty life I 've got to look forward to .
7 Of all the men of different nationalities I 've met and of all types , I have found good and bad in each , but my favourite still remains the Frenchman , because he can lie so convincingly .
8 Erm , so in the top left of this spreadsheet I 've got some documentation , below that some blank rows , a key parameter section here .
9 SINCE the start of this saga I 've lost my wife , who is currently staying in a homeless flat with two of the children .
10 It 's the worst offence of this kind I 've seen while working in South Gloucestershire .
11 For the purposes of this discography I 've ignored the most obvious ‘ Skinhead ’ hits and chosen , with the help of some friends , what I trust is a fairly objective selection of the best , and most popular records from 1968 to 1971 .
12 I 'm looking to select patients who have a high pressure and a low flow and for the sake of this study I 've drawn my lines at fifty centimetres of water for detrusor pressure during voiding and , and er fifteen mils per second .
13 They quote an Under Secretary commenting upon informal communications networks : ‘ Some of these people I 've known for twenty-five years and we can of course communicate with each other almost in code . ’
14 So I 've got two lots of three pounds I 've got six pounds altogether .
15 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
16 The number of sleepless nights I 've had over that smooth bastard moving in and Jozef kicking me out of bed . ’
17 I 've got a list upstairs of various people I 've got one person
18 Over the years with the help of several experts I 've learnt the secrets of the make-up artists : how to highlight the areas of the face that are assets and how to cover the less flattering features !
19 Now because of other connections I 've done it through Eton .
20 The smell of machine oil reminds me of other guns I 've handled in my time .
21 I have included here a planning chart for small conferences which has served as a basis for hundreds of other charts I 've used over the years .
22 For three years I 've believed that Donald died instantly .
23 for three years I 've fiddled around , doing small things , waiting for the Big Man to say the word .
24 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
25 She does n't change her mind like other people I 've worked with .
26 For many years I 've hated you and it seems so — pointless . ’
27 ‘ So are yours — you could do with a trifle more meat on them , but otherwise they compare very favourably with other bone-structures I 've met . ’
28 I am sure he would have considered that both technical accomplishment and , though not perhaps in the modern sense , introspection , were valuable for the poet , but the labour and intense study which you 'll have noticed he referred to in that passage I 've read , consisted of course of learning large numbers of languages , which he clearly did with great fluency , and reading inordinately the whole of human literature .
29 Well it says in that , in that thing I 've got they 're gon na restore a fair system of grants
30 In that cell I 've got a formula , just multiply the number above by the number of the left .
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