Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [modal v] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Josh Gifford , for whom he had been first jockey before his illness and who had assured him that his position as stable jockey would be waiting for him as soon as he had recovered .
2 Some venues , such as the Ferry on the Clyde , the Arches Theatre and the Centre for Contemporary Arts will be mounting mini-festivals of their own .
3 Perhaps it was also relief at not seeing a flood of overpriced Japanese owned art back on the market , or the sense that the cloud of economic recession might be lifting .
4 In the curious world of Japanese politics , the cause of political reform may be moving forwards just when it seems to be moving backwards
5 All parents are rightly concerned about the quality of education their children receive , and an important aspect of multicultural education must be discussing its value with parents .
6 Tonight , over in the nurses ' home on Huntley Street , a bunch of junior doctors would be putting on the usual end-of-year revue .
7 She was aware that she was trembling in his hold , but , when she suddenly realised that some of that trembling could be coming from Ven , only then did she realise the stress he was under , and , for him , she pushed through her own fear barrier .
8 ‘ My salary is sponsored by British Coal which means when I am fund-raising I know none of that money will be going to pay for my work .
9 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
10 Not only was she angry , she was dismayed by what Nina had said , that rumours of that nature should be circulating the factory linking her name with David Markham 's .
11 Another is that no school is static , and both before and after the introduction of non-sexist materials will be grappling with a range of possibilities for each sex , rather than a unified ‘ role ’ .
12 All students involved in this year 's programme of transnational exchanges will be taking the Experiencing Europe module .
13 The impulse to establish different areas of comparative advantage when a country loses market share to the industries of another country may be lacking .
14 Indeed , I would go so far as to say that a doctor who continued treatment past this point would be behaving at least unethically , if not unlawfully .
15 How curious that someone with such a short , neatly waved cap of brown hair should be talking to someone with such a fuzz of ginger hair — and talking so seriously , with no sense of disparity !
16 Gripe water is an age-old remedy for colic , wind and endless crying but the alcohol content of some brands could be putting babies at risk .
17 Some of this stuff may be coming back to the states via the Far East .
18 Mr Maurice Cann , development control officer , said : ‘ If permission is granted the occupiers of this building will be living in a substandard environment surrounded by a variety of industrial and commercial uses . ’
19 Of course , both external and internal factors of this kind may be operating .
20 Much of the rest of this book will be exploring and evaluating the various arguments put forward in elaboration of this position .
21 And forces with an interest in subverting the sanity of this Dominion may be readying themselves to celebrate that anniversary .
22 ‘ The members of this delegation will be speaking to a number of prisoners .
23 Should the crowded platform hypothesis hold , firms from Category C should prove to be less prosperous than those in A. Similarly , companies in the sample of assisted firms should be performing better than their non-assisted counterparts .
24 But , before Robert had the chance to ask him about the Golden Calf of the Druze , or what a Nizari Ismaili might be , or how many of either group might be lurking around Wimbledon , the bell sounded for the end of break , and , below them , in the Great Hall , he heard the sounds of the whole school assembling for nature , recreation and Islamic dancing .
25 A company that picks out staff for promotion in the absence of objective criteria may be creating an atmosphere of bitterness and frustration among those who are left behind .
26 This is a rather variable type of vegetation and is characterised by constant Molinia caerulea , Scirpus cespitosus , Erica tetralix , Potentilla erecta and Calluna vulgaris , but any one or even two of these species might be missing .
27 All but six of these students would be studying at university .
28 The response conditioned to A might generalize more to B as a result of the first stage of training ; or this training might reduce the extent to which generalization occurs to C ; or both of these effects could be occurring .
29 Moreover , since sea-floor spreading is taking place from both the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Carlsberg Ridge ( in the Indian Ocean ) , one or both of these ridges must be experiencing movement with respect to the Earth 's rotational axis .
30 And some of these techniques must be working because she keeps getting re-hired .
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