Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] that [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I DISCOVERED OIL pastels one Christmas when kindly relation bought me a large box after hearing that I painted in pastels ; not realising that it was the soft chalk variety that I used .
2 She took it for granted that they talked about ‘ the handover ’ .
3 It was during those months of waiting that she felt in her heart that her husband was once again seeing Camilla .
4 Nor that the reason she had sent Maggie to an all-girls ' school was not to protect her from evil-minded youths , but to protect her from the sort of teaching that she seemed to be getting .
5 So I was able to release these two successfully , and had the satisfaction of knowing that they approved of the site I 'd chosen .
6 As it is there are thousands of girls like me , and at least we have the comfort of knowing that he belonged to no one , and can belong to no one .
7 The palaces of meaning that she built with Friend in the endless night inside her — what were they for ?
8 It was held that in showing that he relied upon the figures in Lloyd 's Register and had disregarded the figure in the ship 's documents , he had failed to prove that he had had reasonable grounds to believe the truth of his misrepresentation .
9 Ah but I believed if I 'm going to discuss or argue about anything as regarding that I had to be interested in it .
10 But but prior to doing that they met with the branch that had put the resolution in .
11 It is worth repeating that it stripped for ever from folklore the idea that British Rail was wholly independent and could do what it liked , that the Government had no connection with it and were not concerned in the day-to-day running of its affairs , and that there was a chasm between British Rail and the Government .
12 The city has changed so much that anyone who has been away for a couple of years could be forgiven for thinking that he arrived in a time machine , not an airliner .
13 If we find that industries are now disappearing fairly rapidly , it is also worth realizing that they arrived on the landscape quite suddenly .
14 As it was , the ‘ smokeless shimmer of vapour ’ was so cooled by cleaning that it drifted across the river to cause mischief with the leadwork on Wren 's great dome .
15 But surely , a speaker could have conveyed an impression of athleticism simply by saying that they sprinted up the hill .
16 The court admitted that it was giving an unusual meaning to the word , for a historian who described the end of Rizzio by saying that he met with a fatal accident in Holyrood Palace would fairly be charged with a misleading statement of fact .
17 The courts justified this vesting of managerial autonomy over the everyday business of the company in the hands of the directors by arguing that it flowed from the construction of a company 's articles of association which formed a contract between the members of the company .
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