Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] that [pron] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 because , you come back here and all the Scottish women were vast and they lost their figure 's and it was just sort of almost taken for granted that you have a baby and you loose your figure , but you do n't mind because you 've got the children .
2 Its urgent overall rhythm commands the choreographer to keep the dancers moving forever onwards with greater intensity to the climax , whilst the shorter phrase rhythms give the Chosen Maiden and smaller groups such ways of moving that they hold the audience 's full attention until the fall of the curtain .
3 ( Of course , no utterances are safe from the post-Freudian trick of claiming that they mean the opposite of what they say , but in the interpretation of literary texts we must be given additional , fairly unequivocal evidence of a discrepancy between speech and meaning , as we are given for Iago , but not for Othello . )
4 Obedience is part of the maker 's instructions , and there is no guaranteed success without it ; for obedience is a God-created way of ensuring that we learn the right habits of living in our early years .
5 Instead of realizing that they have a right to say , if God has no respect for persons , why should men be ?
6 As one experienced observer of the trade put it , ‘ The companies which suitable candidates work for consider that they have a greater need of their executives ’ services nowadays than the trade at large has . ’
7 We know several of our teachers who now hold this award but with to ensure that we have the names of all who have achieved it .
8 It might be the opportunity of a world summit , or an earth summit , at which we can involve the public in Britain and throughout Europe in understanding that we have a common environment throughout the world .
9 It appears that people gain ‘ para-social ’ pleasure from imagining that they know the characters featured in long-running series .
10 It is in suffering that we discover the things that matter ; in sorrow we discover ourselves .
11 Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it ?
12 In summary , it is when capital expenditure is financed from borrowing that we see the most fundamental difference between local government accounting and commercial accounting .
13 And it 's a difficult topic to raise with those concerned — how do you voice objections without implying that you think the man is a child molester ?
14 ‘ It goes without saying that we have an obligation to pray for a just , understanding and — dare I say I — compassionate solution to the situation .
15 Such politics stress the local or the specific without assuming that they constitute the starting point for a global hegemony into which they will be subsumed .
16 It clearly substantiates this Government 's commitment to ensuring that we maintain a national health service that is the envy of the world and that we continue to improve upon it .
17 Wimpol remains totally committed to supporting you in the development of your career and , through suitable training , to ensuring that you play a full part in the company 's continued growth .
18 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
19 Erm , I 've got ta say that I think the year was nineteen hundred and seventy six when it was the County Council 's responsibility for cutting the verges , not the district .
20 The formal theory implements this informal approach by saying that we consider the nearest groups of worlds in which the antecedent p is true and ask whether in those worlds q is true also .
21 He contradicted himself within his own question by saying that we have no constitutional ideas and then identifying an area on which we are currently consulting with a view to making constitutional changes .
22 ‘ As an ex-sex symbol ’ , Miss Dors confessed , ‘ I usually amaze those who pose the question by saying that I believe the permissive society HAS gone too far . ’
23 Services should also affirm their policies on equal opportunities by ensuring that they monitor the use of their services by specific ethnic groups , test that the information they make available for the public is comprehensible and accessible , canvass users ' views of the current services , recruit staff of different ethnic backgrounds , at all levels in the organization ( although , in the case of Afro-Caribbeans in particular , this can be difficult due to the lower educational opportunities of this group and , in consequence , a paucity of suitable candidates for posts ) , and institute a programme of training for staff of all grades and backgrounds to understand their own conscious and unconscious prejudices about race and culture .
24 Local incentive schemes are the most likely way of getting general practitioners to change prescribing habits by ensuring that they see the benefits retained in local health care .
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