Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] a [noun] between [art] " in BNC.

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1 Between achieves a balance between the mobility and indeterminacy inherent in the postulates of our post-Einsteinian age and the rigid conventions toward which mass culture tends .
2 Also featured is the importance of maintaining a balance between the three dimensions of quality : client , professional and management quality .
3 But the Government did find a way of accepting a link between the riots and social problems without bringing its main policies into the debate : namely by linking the growth of violent disorder to crime and drugs .
4 Sancito Caro Brito [ named as Coco Brito on p. 37708 ] ; Jacqueline Mercedes Malagón was later appointed Education Minister in place of Pedro Gil Iturbes , who had been appointed earlier in the year but had resigned after Belaguer publicly accused him of jeopardizing an agreement between the government and the teachers ' association .
5 Henry also sent messengers separately to Philip , presumably in the hope of driving a wedge between the allies , but Richard had instructed one of his most trusted advisers , his chancellor William Longchamp , to remain at the French court and look after his interests .
6 Franco , however , instinctively rejected the risks involved in an audacious operation and opted instead for the less ambitious objective of driving a wedge between the city and its northern line of defence , in the Guadarrama mountains , by severing the road and rail communications north-westwards out of the city , towards La Coruña .
7 In classical conditioning , learning consists of establishing a relationship between a natural response and a stimulus that would not normally evoke it .
8 We must look for a way of establishing a relationship between the key of the record and its address , and using this relationship to retrieve the record rapidly .
9 On 14 October 1661 Rose was appointed the king 's gardener at St James 's — that is , the man in charge of establishing a garden between the Mall and the backs of houses in Pall Mall , a garden disturbed about 1709 for the building of Marlborough House and Carlton House .
10 The report was presented in June 1962 by the Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor and indicated the desirability of seeking a partnership between the Corporation and a development company which would regard development as a long-term investment and be interested in the equity .
11 Its Committee for Art and Design , for most of that period under the Chairmanship of David Bethel , the Director of Leicester Polytechnic , has been pursuing the Council 's policy of achieving a balance between the main studies , on the one hand , and the history of art and design and complementary studies on the other .
12 Feynman discusses the idea of putting a lamp between the two slits to illuminate the electrons as they pass by .
13 The spatial metaphor implicit in the word ‘ behind ’ is not accidental , since this model of self is premised on the possibility of making a distinction between an ‘ inner ’ and an ‘ outer ’ self .
14 We may say , then , that the achievement of indexical meaning is commonly a matter of making a connection between the linguistic sign and the relevant aspect of schematic knowledge .
15 One of the ways of making a bridge between the two is to use teacher-in-role .
16 The drama of the past few days in Kabul has highlighted the two central problems of modern Afghanistan : one is the difficulty of finding a balance between the dominant Pathans and the array of other ethnic groups , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Hazaras and others who occupy the northern and western parts of the country ; the other is the tension between modernising élites in Kabul and the largely tribal rural population .
17 It is a question of striking a balance between the amount of vulnerable , comic , accident-prone quality you allow in your detective and the sort of book you want to write .
18 Not only was the pope desirous of peace in Europe and settlement of the imperial question , but he was also concerned with establishing a truce between the two kings so that a new crusade might be advanced .
19 Women are faced with making a choice between the needs of their children and their own needs , and that is one of the things which , because they 've put the needs of their children , the needs of their dependents , ahead of their own needs , they themselves and the needs of women have not got as far as they could .
20 Since Mahler and Karajan both held the position of head of the Vienna Opera , Neville Cardus was once tempted into concocting a comparison between the two men and finding a good deal in common .
21 The new right 's success in charting a course between the old-school neo-fascists and the CDU/CSU failed to eliminate the array of openly radical factions from the right-wing scene .
22 The essence of the skill lies in diagnosing a mismatch between the designer 's intentions and what happens in the classroom and then deciding if the mismatch is such that modifications in the unit are necessary .
23 I had previously been successful in negotiating a settlement between the Boulting brothers and Elvin 's union , where I had enjoyed establishing a warm and friendly relationship With both sides .
24 Those whom it has encouraged are the likes of Saddam Hussein , who are fundamentally correct in claiming a link between the two occupations — hardly a flattering analogy but one for which many people may be about to pay for America 's 30 years of pusillanimity in the Middle East .
25 A few weeks later , at the time of Diana 's 30th birthday , I wrote a further story about how Jimmy Savile , the television personality , had been instrumental in arranging a reconciliation between the royal couple following disclosures that Diana had refused her husband 's offer of a birthday party at Highgrove .
26 The nation refers to itself not as " this sovereign land of ours " , as do other countries , but to " this , our land-and-water " — and considerable ritual effort is devoted to maintaining a balance between the two .
27 The argument depends on drawing a distinction between an " issue " and a " dispute " or a " formulated dispute " .
28 Altering the attitude of a profession , ( a culture ? ) which is so intent on defining a boundary between the pure and the applied , the liberal and the vocational , is the real challenge which faces IT-aware humanities scholars in Britain .
29 Patients suffering from skin cancer are to be asked to take part in research aimed at proving a link between the disease and the radioactive gas radon .
30 R. T. Kendall and Peter Lake have refined this position by drawing a distinction between a moderate majority of ‘ credal ’ predestinarian Protestants and a smaller group of more intense ‘ experimental ’ predestinarians .
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