Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 It is taken for granted that they bring with them their housekeeping skills .
2 The palaces of meaning that she built with Friend in the endless night inside her — what were they for ?
3 The franchise system was a good way for us to get into thatching as it dispensed with the need to endure a long apprenticeship , gave us a six-month intensive course teaching all the rudiments of thatching , and provided contracts and a source of cheap materials .
4 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
5 Gus did not sound at all like a man recently revived from drowning as he said with sharp disquiet : ‘ Right , that disposes of how I got out , and I 'm duly grateful , believe me .
6 The fact that the goods are of defective quality is usually irrelevant in deciding whether they correspond with their description .
7 Mr Blunt , am I right in thinking that you deal with Philippine affairs for the International Monetary Fund ?
8 It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step , to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below .
9 But but prior to doing that they met with the branch that had put the resolution in .
10 If it was like Germany where everything is , is regimented , whatever word you wan na use whether you agree with this or whether you do n't , everybody in Germany pays everything that they should .
11 There 's no point getting Scott , cos what 's gon na happen when she finishes with Scott ?
12 It is a sign of Marx 's and Engels 's intellectual courage that they put these laws to the test by seeing whether they accorded with what was then known about early cultures .
13 The court admitted that it was giving an unusual meaning to the word , for a historian who described the end of Rizzio by saying that he met with a fatal accident in Holyrood Palace would fairly be charged with a misleading statement of fact .
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