Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] i [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
2 I had every intention of refusing when I interviewed you but I had read your articles .
3 My gosh , my life , sort of died and I thought there was more than that
4 First I sprinkled the floor with water to prevent the dust from rising as I swept it .
5 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
6 But they were , they kept on looking at me to see if I was gon na move and I thought I 'm not gon na move till you move .
7 I crossed it out because I thought it was gon na say cos I thought it said , survey managers are instructed to work at all times
8 Certainly the most important thing should be that I 'm happy with my paintings , but I 'd by lying if I said I did n't care what other people said .
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