Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 In a sense , Franco had the United Nations to thank for consolidating his regime at the end of the Second World War .
2 Elek also approached Edie Lamont after seeing her work at the London Group and discussed the idea for an illustrated book on Wales .
3 He often comes down to the evening meal drained and exhausted after a day of writing his name at the bottom of letters like these .
4 Its dullness stifled Huy 's heart , and he began to question the sense of feeding his belly at the expense of his mind , though such noble sentiments could hardly be his to indulge .
5 This is not an argument against neat presentation of work , but you may need to prepare pupils to find ways of recording their work at the speed of their thought .
6 I had only a brief opportunity of shaking his hand at the end , as I was obliged to rush back to Oxford before I was ‘ gated ’ .
7 This team came into being to fulfil a need in the Society for a means of showing our work at the very best level ; a group of performers who practise regularly together and have the facility to form up in teams of varying number according to the need at the time .
8 DAVE BEASANT will reject any attempt by Grimsby to buy him — despite resurrecting his career at the Blundell Park club .
9 The effective working of the adjustable peg system required deficit countries to have official reserves at their disposal for supporting their currency at the par value .
10 Whenever you interview Dudley Moore , it is a known fact that you must ask him about losing his virginity at the age of 23 .
11 She spent £3,000 on driving lessons over four years before passing her test at the 29th attempt .
12 In expressing his regret at the violence Roman reinforced the Romanian government 's commitment to minority rights , at the same time pleading for an understanding of the views of Transylvanian Romanians , who had suffered greatly between 1940 and 1944 when northern Transylvania had been under Hungarian rule .
13 Our selective emphasis upon locating our research at the grassroots or folk level , for whatever reasons , has perhaps led us to overemphasise our villagers ' stereotypical views of society for the sake of analytical convenience , to divide the world into fixed categories of ‘ us ’ and ‘ them ’ .
14 The Caledonian orogeny in reaching its climax at the end of Silurian times , expressed itself along the same Taconian lines and along the lines that were , much later , to be the Atlantic Ocean .
15 In taking his place at the head of the Second Crusade , the Rex Francorum decisively hastened the transformation of the Franks into the French .
16 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
17 Police say the group has murdered more than 37 Escobar associates and blown up buildings belonging to his family since announcing its formation at the start of February .
18 And of course John and the two oldest children would n't let them go without taking their turn at the slide .
19 I loathe the Board of Trustees of the Prado for showing their grief at the departure of ‘ Guernica ’ with its revolting stench of disaster .
20 It is sometimes worth telling your audience at the beginning : ‘ Many questions may occur to you in the course of this report .
21 He never charged for the rooms and the journalists repaid him by keeping their custom at the bar .
22 Male model Hay , 22 , only escaped death by moving his head at the critical moment .
23 Nottinghamshire club player Bryn Derbyshire was given a three-month suspended sentence with £300 costs , and had to pay £400 compensation to umpire Joseph Purser after causing ‘ bodily harm by wanton furious driving ’ by reversing his car at the umpire after a match in which he had been given out lbw .
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