Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] which be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This in turn might be assisted or hindered by the treatment of vocational education as well as FE colleges , sixth form colleges and tertiary colleges as entities which are to be separately funded and managed under the Further Higher Education Act 1992 .
2 Fortunately , in my recent meeting with Peter Gordon , in discussing the criticism which the report had drawn from certain sectors , he mentioned that a second report is being prepared for Scotland which is to be launched next June .
3 Effective measurement requires detailed knowledge of the properties of phenomena which are to be reflected or mapped on to some mathematical system .
4 But it was sent to the National Security Council and in the meantime Secretary of Defense Johnson , according to the internal ‘ History of the Indo-China Incident ’ prepared for and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff , had called upon the NSC to determine exactly how US security was threatened by the current situation in the Far East and to formulate tentative courses of action which were to be co-ordinated for the whole region and were to outline specific objectives to be attained .
5 Checking of relationships which are to be indicated under each of the terms .
6 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
7 A person 's previous research experience will obviously determine the level of research which is to be begun .
8 By taking the set of compounds which are to be used and replacing each word within the compound by its corresponding root-index the storage requirement is drastically reduced .
9 The predominant over-view in this Department was that Television held a special kind of mystique ; that writing and producing drama for it demanded special levels of skill which were to be somewhere between the scopes of the Theatre and the Cinema .
10 For Stenton , the half century before 716 when no Anglo-Saxon king had been able to establish more than a local ascendancy , had ‘ little significance in English political history ’ because it had given no promise of the great advance , as he saw it , towards the unity of England which was to be made by the Mercian kings before the end of the eighth century .
11 For example if one is evaluating a trigram x→y→z , x and y are decided upon , it is the nature of z which is to be classified .
12 There is another , more subtle effect of exercise which is to be gained from pushing ourselves periodically to the limits of our endurance , and beyond .
13 It is in fact only rarely openly acknowledged by other anthropologists , though the blanket rejection of evolution which is to be found in the work of many seems to imply .
14 And , to add the final touch , Phillips 's insight had filled the only remaining gap by proposing , albeit in skeletal form , an empirical model of inflation which was to be theoretically fleshed out by Lipsey .
15 In order to split the Listing into a series of manageable files , the user can indicate the maximum number of pages which are to be generated in any one version of a file .
16 This conclusion was the fons et origo of the barrage of criticism which was to be heaped on the notion of a stable trade off relation in the wake of Milton Friedman 's
17 The commons then agreed to a subsidy of £50,000 which was to be raised by the novel expedient of imposing a levy on each parish in England .
18 As Lord Diplock said in Ashington Piggeries : The " description " by which unascertained goods are sold is , in my view , confined to those words in the contract which were intended by the parties to identify the kind of goods which were to be supplied .
19 Above all they believe that that must be said of Christ which is to be said of no other human being .
20 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
21 As soon as prisoners had been poured into the particular patch of ground which was to be their camp , all this activity materialized from nothing ; and it materialized in every camp regardless of the nationality of the prisoners .
22 The foreign set comprises the names of files which are to be included as part of the module , but which have no module headers themselves .
23 The specific role of bishops which is to be exercised in communion with the see of Peter in ensuring the unity and continuity of the faith is vital if we are to hand on the faith of Peter , Gregory and Augustine .
24 Moreover the Yek had a horror of the mutations which were still the occasional result of the patches of radiation which were to be found in places around the continent , and they had laws to prevent the proliferation of mutant types through succeeding generations .
25 For a particular package of software which is to be assessed for quality assurance , LIFESPAN will produce a discrepancy list between the tight and loose coupling relations in order to show to the assessor those modules which the designer thought were necessary but which are not however called up by the package .
26 ACONSERVATION group has lost its High Court fight to save eight listed buildings in the City of London which are to be demolished by the property developer , Mr Peter Palumbo .
27 Before Peter leaves the ward the doctor explains to him the regime of drugs which are to be prescribed .
28 The thousands of tons of earth which were to be dug out of the meadow to make room for the foundations were to be piled up in nearby Merton playing field .
29 Even statutes may be read as subject to certain fundamental principles of justice which are to be discovered in the common law .
30 The social fund was significant for three main reasons : it replaced individual rights based on regulations with discretion which was to be applied by social fund officers ; the budget for social fund payments was to be cash-limited ; and most payments would be in the form of loans rather than grants .
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