Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But for reasons that he took to be his own error in transcription , anything that he pilfered straight from life never sounded convincing .
2 The only increase smaller than the £15 is in what is known as the terminal illness category for nursing homes , for reasons that I explained to the House in my uprating statement , where we have instead thought it more appropriate to make , through the Department of Health , an additional grant of £1 million specifically directed to the funding of hospices .
3 The same sort of reasoning about conjugation that we used for edges shows that we can use this process to restore all the corners , though we do disturb the edges .
4 If Gould was disgusted by the commercial exploits of his fellow white men , he was compensated by the reverence for birds that he discovered among the Aborigines .
5 In addition to the processes just described , repeated presentation of a stimulus also brings about those changes responsible for habituation that I discussed in Chapter 2 — changes that were characterized as resulting in the formation of a representation of the stimulus .
6 A couple who run a private nursing home have been barred from the premises after allegations that they stole from residents .
7 so the scumites may face a hard task down in Ankara ( ? ) — lets hope this leads to the kind of league form for Scum that we had after crashing out of Europe last year ; - ) YES !
8 This is the second principle for the social modelling of change that I discussed in chapter 1 .
9 But here I am once again running into the kind of difficulty that I noted at the end of my last chapter when I quoted Christine Hugh-Jones ' apposite phrase about the work of the social anthropologist being a matter of sorting out the meaning of a " muddling mass " of detailed data .
10 Let me read you two or three other verses from that same book of Hebrews that we read from a few moments ago .
11 The usual jibe was that Crowninshield was a politician without a cause , or rather that he would support any cause so long as it was fashionable , but his critics also attacked Crowninshield for being wealthy , claiming that his eminence was solely due to the vast amounts of money that he spent on his campaigns .
12 Again , yes , but not the sort of clubs that she had in mind .
13 explain that story at the end , was so fond of dragons that he adorned with drawings and carvings of them but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation
14 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
15 ‘ And these stones — so unexpected in this magnificent country — because I confess it is not for the pleasures of civilisation that I came to this district but for the informing breadth and spectacles of Nature — reminded me of somewhere I knew not where and that was my over-selfish study which all but ended in a brute collision with yourselves ! ’
16 He describes , as I did , the lack of access between the interiors of modules , but accepts the view of consciousness that I associated with Minsky 's views on heterarchy : that , roughly speaking , sometimes one module would be conscious and sometimes another , depending on circumstances :
17 You had this lump of rock that you dangled from a thread and people discovered that it always pointed in the same direction , so if you were on board , a ship for the first time people were able to travel in a ship without having to hug a coast all the way across or navigate to where they could see .
18 It was in that terrible moment of loss that he noticed for the first time the eagle in the cage on the other side of his from where Minch 's cage was .
19 Sometimes he even managed to keep for himself the little piece of cotton-wool that she soaked in perfume so that he could rub the henna stains from her skin .
20 Fleischmann and Pons worried that the numbers of neutrons that they appeared to be seeing were billions less than should have been the case if their heat data were correct and due to fusion .
21 There was no other way she could think of , except to show the obscene and pathetic distortion of humanity that she came in peace .
22 I was offered a pair of shoes for about one third more than the market price , and I was so much in need of shoes that I fell into temptation .
23 She also needs a list of equipment that we transferred to another school .
24 Well , first of all may I respond positively to those kind words of welcome that you extended to me .
25 So too do most of his other notes and jottings and — more important — most of the substantial pieces of work that he wrote during this period .
26 On his last sortie to an Italian target , of all places , he sustained tremendous flak damage which rather belied the sort of opinion that we had of Italian flak .
27 The short-term factors included the election in 1964 of a Labour government committed to an administrative reform of the institutions of government ; the appointment of a reforming minister — R H S Crossman — to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ; and the support for the idea of reform that he received from his senior civil servants ( Wood 1976 : 176–7 ) .
28 She wanted him to take her in his arms and make her feel once more the strong , swift surge of desire that she remembered from their one night together .
29 supposed to be an inter-disciplinary mixture of physics and chemistry , in other words , not a bit of physics and a bit of chemistry that you did in isolation , but to be integrated .
30 In the 1977 US survey , people were asked to give the order of importance that they attached to various different types of disclosure information about credit terms , and more ( 62 per cent ) mentioned APRs first than even the size of their monthly payment ( which was judged the next most important ) .
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