Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [pers pn] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 If watching plays is so painful for David that he wishes he were somewhere else , then I for one would be glad to take his place .
2 He started wearing women 's clothes , he started putting on make-up and on the last couple of times that I saw him he was pretty strange .
3 What , what what er level of income that he thought he needed .
4 According to one report , he told a group of journalists that he believed he ought to have been given the interim presidency .
5 And do lots of things that I knew he was capable of doing .
6 Yet the logic of the definition suggested that it would benefit especially kings , whose competence to declare war could not be impugned : thus Thibaud of Blois failed to persuade the monks of Marmoutier that they owed him service when he fought against Louis VI ; they claimed discretion in the matter ; and in 1184 , the mighty Philip of Alsace hesitated to commit to battle the army he had summoned against Philip Augustus , through fear that its ranks might melt away .
7 ‘ Will you be going to Somerset too ? ’ she asked and it was with a sense of relief that she saw him shake his head .
8 While with Hofmann he had so successfully completed an investigation for Allsopps & Sons of Burton-on-Trent that they offered him an appointment as chemist at the brewery .
9 I 've actually seen erm er been in a workshop as a participant where a chap who was excellent at this had what he did was while while the participants were doing some sort of an exercise he was actually making these tiny notes up in the top corner for himself so that when he when he came to the next sort of section that he wanted he 'd he 'd got he 'd got the odd notes just up there in the corner .
10 Yes , I could see by the way she grumbled about Wilson that she loved him and , although he was over eighty at the time , still saw him in a romantic light .
11 He had spent so much time with Eloise that he felt he must make love to his wife that night , however tired he felt .
12 Although Korda was now more of a financier than an active producer , it was his suggestion that led Graham Greene to visit Austria to see if he could find the background in the four-power occupation of Vienna which would inspire him to extend his one-line story : ‘ I had paid my last farewell to Harry less than a week ago , when his coffin was lowered in the frozen February ground , so that it was with incredulity that I saw him pass by , without a sign of recognition , among the host of strangers in the Strand . ’
13 As the recession deepened [ see below ] , the Hawke government began 1991 some 18 percentage points behind the opposition in opinion polls , raising questions concerning Hawke 's future as leader , particularly as Keating had let it be known at a National Press Club dinner in December that he believed he would make a better Prime Minister than Hawke .
14 During Head of the Family 's stage run , Sarah Long 's agent , Adza Vincent , watched a performance and was so impressed with the promise shown by Crawford that she put him on her books .
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