Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] was [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
2 A further importance of abortion was that it gave women some control over their own fertility , especially given the hostility of many men to birth control .
3 A second major defect of UDG was that it did not make much difference to cities as a whole .
4 One of the things that he objected to about a tradition of painting that was governed by a scientific , single viewpoint system of perspective was that it gave the spectator an incomplete picture or idea about the subject .
5 The chief reason I 'd always been against abortion was that it seemed like tearing up a bill instead of paying it .
6 For many years the official view of the position of the police in liberal democracies like Britain was that it acted merely as an administrative agent to enforce the law .
7 One great advantage which he claimed for Realism was that it allowed the analyst to dispense with the motives and intentions of the decision-makers .
8 The only snag with decorating was that it had kept her hands busy , but left her mind all too free to wander .
9 The significance of Rookes v. Barnard was that it made it clear that a threat of a breach of contract was unlawful for this purpose but the criticism has been made ( and this indeed was the opinion of the Court of Appeal ) that if intimidation is extended to threats to break contracts ‘ it would overturn or outflank some elementary principles of contract law , ’ notably the doctrine of privity of contract , which holds that one who is not a party to a contract can not found a claim upon it or sue for breach of it .
10 The chief problem with thallium was that it did n't seem to be used for anything much apart from the manufacture of optical lenses of a high refractive index — camera lenses , for example .
11 In fact , one of the things that had pleased her about her daughter staying in London was that it kept her away from Seaton Cramer Hall .
12 He says : ‘ The main problem I found with Paradox for Windows was that it kept hanging my computer .
13 Its one claim to fame was that it agitated a sudden outbreak of Northern Soul style dancing in the trendier clubs of Britain .
14 The advance word on Communion was that it wanted to deal in the uncanny again , to unsettle its audiences rather than make them laugh knowingly , yet here it was with something that belonged in a Joe Dante movie .
15 The only advantage of being dumped by Clive was that it made this a lot simpler .
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