Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] in [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These equations give the new expression for U in terms of the null coordinates u and v .
2 The stars of either sex clustered in twos or threes , massing their power , or strode out alone , shining soloists , while the less attractive gathered for protection in groups outside the offices of some religious or political organization .
3 It also inhibits motor activity induced by rectal distention and increases sensory thresholds for defaecation in patients with the irritable bowel syndrome .
4 During investigations in November into the affairs of the collapsed Lincoln thrift in Irvine , California [ see also below ] , it emerged that Charles Keating , an Arizona land developer who had bought the company in 1984 , and who was being sued by the federal government for bank fraud and racketeering , had enlisted the help of five senators when the San Francisco Home Loan Bank began to investigate in 1986 .
5 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
6 Will the Secretary of State now give a guarantee that no sixth-form college student will be charged for activities in relation to the school curriculum , or is this to be yet another example of pay-as-you-learn under the Conservative Government ?
7 Increased prosperity , improved diet and improved health services were the main factors advanced for improvements in health by the older age groups ( Table 6.1 ) .
8 I 'd stand for hours in front of the mirror , painting my face and fingernails and backcombing and lacquering from a sticky , plastic squeeze bottle until my hair resembled a busby .
9 In thus questioning whether poverty should be defined as existence in conditions below the barest subsistence minimum , or whether a higher minimum standard should be established in the interests of humanity and of aiming for high national standards of comfort and efficiency , Bowley and his colleagues raised for the first time some of the problems concerning the definition of poverty , which have remained at issue ever since .
10 This milk , virtually the only kind available for purchase in Libya outside the major cities , was imported and distributed by the Food and Dairy Products Committee in Tripoli , a national organization .
11 Jeffrey : There was something very odd about attitudes in Britain in the seventies towards sex .
12 Mr J Emslie asked if he might have the use of the hall for meetings in connection with the 1991 census .
13 Coffee , croissants and the morning papers had seemed very attractive on setting out , but I had n't bargained on being stuck for ages in Kilburn on the way home .
14 If the goals of public health medicine are health promotion and the prevention of ill health , warn Whitty and Jones , then the specialty is in danger of veering off course in pursuit of the purchasing function , which ‘ is likely to be ineffective in improving the population 's health and may even be in direct conflict with this role . ’
15 In March 1991 Mohammed Shafi Qureshi was appointed as the new state Governor , replacing B. Satya Narain Reddy , the Governor of Uttar Pradesh , who had been given temporary responsibility for Bihar in February following the dismissal of Governor Mohammad Yunus Saleem [ see pp. 38006 ; 38102 ] .
16 The searching self-portraits of Rembrandt in approaching old age , as he became uglier and poorer and more grimy , were acclaimed as masterpieces in preference to the earlier elegant portraiture of his society period .
17 Suffice as it 's to say that the negotiations did provide for extra seats for Germany in account of the additional population that accrued to Germany from the reunification of East and West Germany and er er at the same time the opportunity was taken to allot some extra seats to some other countries er which erm bore in mind er more closely than before , the respective differences in population sizes of the various countries that make up the community , er the two special committees that I referred to Mr Deputy Speaker , were set up in July nineteen ninety three .
18 I should be glad , therefore , if you would attend for interview in accordance with the undernoted instructions .
19 Scientists at the National Institute for Research in Dairying at the University of Reading have found that only part of the nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in slurry is in a form that plants can immediately take up .
20 In this context , we may note , attempts to account for poststructuralism in terms of the aftermath of the events of May 68 seem positively myopic , lacking the very historical perspective to which they lay claim .
21 But in considering the privilege against self-incrimination it is difficult to see any logical distinction between an order for discovery and disclosure where the defendant has stolen the plaintiff 's property and an order for discovery and disclosure where the plaintiff is seeking damages for fraud in dealings by the defendant with the property or moneys of the plaintiff .
22 On Feb. 11 Peter Clowes was sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment and Peter Naylor to 18 months for fraud in connection with the collapse in 1988 of the Barlow Clowes investment management group in which up to around 18,000 investors , many of them elderly , faced large potential losses of their savings .
23 For Constantine , in short , the Messiah was precisely what the Messiah had been for Jews in Palestine at the dawn of the Christian era — a ruler , a sovereign , a warrior leader like David and Solomon , who reigned wisely over a temporal realm , established unity in his domains , consolidated a nation and people with divine sanction to support him .
24 The Italian city states , and others , were for centuries in conflict in the Mediterranean over sources of , and outlets for , trade .
25 Hocazade soon gave up the kadilik in order to devote himself more fully to but remained as muderris in Iznik until the death of Mehmed II ( 886/1481 ) .
26 The Bill will reinforce the marked differences that now exist between schools in terms of the social class make-up of school populations .
27 Article eight B two provides that citizens of the union shall have the right to vote and to stand as candidates in elections to the European parliament .
28 Generally the provisions affecting settled property properly so-called — where the property is held by trustees for administration in accordance with the terms of a deed of settlement — are framed round the conception of the trust beneficiary as the transferor of the property involved in any transfer of value which takes place in consequence of any dealing with the property by way of advances out of the capital or disposal of his beneficial interest or termination of that interest by surrender or on death .
29 The Sri Lanka Moslem Congress called for the Moslem community to arm itself for self-defence in view of the government 's inability to provide adequate protection .
30 Containers are strongly associated with male-rich graves , while perforated spoons found in a few female graves may have been used as strainers in connection with the serving of drink .
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