Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it have be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Offenders who are mentally disordered suffer the stigma of being labelled as both ‘ mad ’ and ‘ bad ’ , although for centuries it has been recognized that some people have diminished responsibility for their actions as a result of mental abnormality and that punishment and retribution , usually demanded by society of someone who has committed a crime , should be dispensed with in favour of providing humane care and treatment .
2 But for decades it 's been used as a giant dustbin .
3 By the end of March it had been announced that the coup organizers had disbanded their Council of National Reconciliation ( CRN ) and that a 25-member Transition Committee for the Salvation of the People ( CTSP ) had been established , with 10 military and 15 civilian members .
4 This approach , a very recent development for credit in this country ( though of course it has been accepted for many years as the basis of car insurance ratings ) , started in America .
5 Of course it has been altered and modernised inside to a great extent , but outside it remains as it was , a Louis-Phillippe property and therefore beautifully proportioned . ’
6 Yeah I 'm afraid afraid so , and of course it 's been damaged anyway now .
7 The last couple of months it 's been dragging : you feel ‘ I wish I could talk to somebody ’ … not knowing anybody else you tend to get this feeling that unless you go out and talk to someone you 'll go stark raving mad …
8 The last couple of months it 's been dragging : you feel ‘ I wish I could talk to somebody ’ … not knowing anybody else you tend to get this feeling that unless you go out and talk to someone you 'll go stark raving mad .
9 In defence of fishing it has been alleged that , were it not for fishermen on our rivers , accidental or deliberate pollution would not be detected so quickly .
10 In the study of soils it has been argued ( Bridges , 1981 ) that soil geography aims to ‘ record and explain the development and distribution of soils on the surface of the earth ’ .
11 In Cornwall and the Midland Valley of Scotland it has been upgraded to a new digital standard , developed with Bergen University , which permits telephone access to sensors in these areas from anywhere in the United Kingdom or overseas .
12 In a number of areas of England it has been observed that early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are frequently close to parish boundaries , particularly in Wiltshire .
13 During the last century or so the Lane 's territory has been stolen by Station Road and Hopetown Lane , although in manner of compensation it has been up-graded to a road .
14 Since the end of May it had been beating irregularly .
15 6 The question of detriment It has been suggested in some cases ( see eg Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd [ 1969 ] RPC 41 ) that an obligation of confidence will not be enforced unless the disclosure or use of the information results in a detriment to the plaintiff or an advantage to his competitors .
16 Over thousands of years it has been recognized that the human body has a non-physical component , and it is striking that through all the descriptions there is a strong energy theme .
17 PR 's sole concern is with the relationship between the number of votes each party has received and the number of seats it has been awarded .
18 In the area of taxation it had been established by the time of Edward I that direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of Parliament .
19 Jurassic reef coral , Stylina alveolata This massive coral is now composed of calcite It has been recrystallized , because in life it was composed of the mineral aragonite — chemically the same as calcite , but with a different crystal structure .
20 Meanwhile , in its home area of Macedonia it had been replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet , named after Cyril , even though he probably played no direct part in its development .
21 At this macro level of analysis it has been demonstrated that older people in Britain experience an income level relative to other members of society which is considerably below that enjoyed by their counterparts in Europe and North America ( Hedstrom and Ringen 1987 ) .
22 In the annual report of the Ministry of Health it had been said that it was the practice , in some wards , to require a casual who was locked in a cell by himself to break a given quantity of stone , often very hard , down to a specified standard of size which was reached when it could be passed through a ring :
23 That 's the sort of image it 's been given .
24 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Sadako Ogata , urged the US to double the amount of food it has been parachuting into Srebrenica and send 60 tonnes a day .
25 As some plates have horizontal dimensions of thousands of kilometres it has been argued that convection cells of equivalent horizontal and vertical dimensions would be required to move them .
26 If someone had neglected to put it away in the buffet after supper , then with luck it had been forgotten and would not be missed .
27 With Rochester it 's been let go .
28 Years before , a wooden handrail , polished by generations of hands , had lined the high pavement , but the town council had decided that it served no useful purpose and detracted from the charm of the stone-walled cottages perched high on the bank above , and when the handrail had become shaky with age it had been dismantled , much to the annoyance of the Thrush Green residents .
29 For example it has been found that the more erect the leaves the greater the growth rate .
30 In the rat model for example it has been shown that the compound butyl hydroxy anisole , which is carcinogenic in the forestomach , does not bind directly to DNA .
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