Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] be [vb pp] on [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Those who criticize post-revolutionary Romanians for their lack of civic virtue and their insensitivity to the problems of their fellow citizens , particularly the abandoned young , should remember what sort of society they were forced to live in and what sort of values were imposed on them .
2 ‘ There is already resistance from teachers to the number of calls being made on them , and the bombardment of paper . ’
3 It 's a very , very exciting field , it really is , there 's lots of work being done on it , it 's extremely exciting .
4 Nor did the Teleuts hand over hostages to the Russians , despite pressure being placed on them to do so .
5 Nick claimed 15 grams of cannabis was planted on him by police , in an attempt to extract a bribe .
6 Tom closed the door and was about speak when a further rally of knocks was hammered on it and Charlie Ruddles , the warden , strode angrily in .
7 The sentence of death was imposed on him by Ayatollah Khomeini for alleged blasphemy in his book The Satanic Verses .
8 It is now fairly clear , moreover , that political considerations , of not wishing to be seen as having ‘ destroyed the value of the pound sterling ’ , were of major importance in the Labour government 's initial resistance to devaluation in 1967 quite apart from powerful pressures against devaluation being exerted on it by the Bank of England [ Tomlinson , 1985 ] .
9 Well I think it 's , public money should in fact be spent on it .
10 However , the evidence is not entirely conclusive , and in a period when lords were having difficulty in finding tenants to take up holdings , it may well be that the conversion from arable to grazing was forced on them .
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