Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One-Year courses represented a prestigious category and the formal requirements for grant-aid were similar to those for preparatory Tutorial Classes without the expectation that they would be precursors of three-year Tutorial Classes .
2 In this theory , the real demand for money is proportional to real output ( and does not depend on interest rates at all ) .
3 Erm the I think er two comments for David is close to this and the one that we do n't expect the P and L charge starting in ninety three and going onwards to be quotes material I E it 's getting quite modest , it 's not sort of mega bucks .
4 It is fortunate that the physical features that render a site suitable for overwintering are identical to those that offer the best conditions for hatching success .
5 Understand that the beliefs of a religion/stance for living are concerned with key questions of life
6 The seven patients who did not receive a transplant died in hospital , but 18 of 20 patients who survived to hospital discharge after transplantation were alive at short term follow up ( mean ( range ) 19.4 ( 10–33 ) months ) .
7 As a result of the Married Women 's Property Act 1882 , and later Acts , the capacity of a married woman to own property , to make contracts , and to incur liability for torts was different from that of a man .
8 The Criminal Law Revision Committee recommended that killings in pursuance of a suicide pact should be a separate offence , on the ground that the stigma and maximum penalty for manslaughter are inappropriate in these cases .
9 And that is also why finding time for reflection is vital to good control .
10 The latter point has been a cause of some concern because , in the 1980s , black kids continue to involve themselves in sport with a fervour which alarms many , fearful that blacks ' achievements can only reinforce traditional stereotyped images about blacks being adept at physical pursuits , but inept at intellectual ones .
11 Using anti-friction materials developed for space , excavators can be made to work at very low temperatures without lubrication , while materials developed for Buran are ideal for artificial limbs and , in particular , hip joints .
12 Entries for Trailbusters are welcome from any team of three to eight members .
13 The methods used for trigrams are analogous to those in the bigram case except that the transitions are of length 3 .
14 Scotland has had its full share of the ‘ cake ’ and I would imagine that the National Trust for Scotland is grateful for all the help it has received .
15 The largest cost is associated with the most exothermic stacking interactions , while the range of values is consistent with earlier conclusions from data on the fusion of hydrocarbon chains ( lower value ) , and with entropy changes in covalent isomerisations of small molecules involving severe restrictions ( upper value ) .
16 The imperative to act upon the promptings of benevolence was crucial to some notable opponents of the slave trade ; its frustration by the traders amounted to disruption of providential means to harmony .
17 Where these latter principles of differentiation are coterminous with certain aspects of the division of labour ( and with each other ) , the chances of formation of a politically pertinent collectivity within the ‘ division of labour grid ’ may be increased ( e.g. ‘ working class ’ catholics in the west of Scotland as a traditional Labour Party support-base ) ; where they cut across the division of labour the chances may be diminished ( the difficulty of developing ‘ class ’ politics in Northern Ireland ) .
18 Furthermore , there have been suggestions that some types of support are effective for some types of stress but not others , and we do not yet know enough about the causal processes involved to be able to explain this ( Gottlieb , 1983 ) .
19 A significant interaction was found between FSE and SAM in the model for change in external locus of control ( χ 2 =4.4 , df=1 ; p=0.04 ) , the pattern of change being similar to that seen in 1989 .
20 Thus , we can move far beyond purely descriptive statements recording that this or that apparently arbitrary subclass of adjectives is ungrammatical in this or that position ; it is possible , even at levels of such fine detail as in the grammaticality of ( 60 ) beside ( 59 ) , to find principled explanations for the patterns of grammaticality , based ultimately on the intensional distinction between qualification and assignment .
21 The theory of reliability is well-developed for conventional tests , which aim to assess individuals relative to others in some population .
22 A large number of projects are devoted to informal , grassroot communication education programmes designed to help improve the quality of life for thousands of people living in marginalised communities throughout Africa , Asia and Latin America .
23 Normal British children form a population whose range of DUAOs is similar to that in normochlorhydric adults but distinct from that of ahclorhydric adults .
24 Every firm of solicitors is subject to detailed professional regulation in relation to its accounting practices , with particular reference to its handling of clients ' money .
25 The sequence of operations is similar for all diaphragm-type valves .
26 This sort of pairing is normal for most animals ; it is simply a regular geometric manifestation of the general development of bilateral symmetry .
27 But the acceptance of responsibility is typical of these men : modesty is not the word which springs to mind .
28 Apart from any need to counter persistent infringement of the rules of dress and display , the number of enactments is indicative of considerable uncertainty , for not only did the legislature feel impelled to extend the terminology of rank with monetary equivalents , these latter were made the subject of continual amendment within the broad permanent framework .
29 The geography and farm situation in parts of L'Ain was similar to that in Powys , South Wales and certain areas in Cumbria and Speyside .
30 For the historian of modern urbanization , scores of cities are available for direct inspection , while the ancient historian has to make do with a few fortuitous survivals .
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