Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Forster hauled himself to his feet , clinging to the sides and overhead rails for support as he picked his way over to Delaney .
2 She winced , clutched him for support as she eased her right foot off the ground , and a shabby handbag touched his chest .
3 Lassa Java pushed him early on … what a night it was for the Meek family from the Forest of Dean as they watched their dogs dominate …
4 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
5 The dominating size and aggressive shape of Sandweg church reminded Miss Danziger that it had played as great a part in the physical defence of the island as in its spiritual well-being ; but , although its size and shape were awesome at a distance , the church became increasingly a place of sanctuary as she neared it .
6 you see We was working together and you know a a few benches from each other and of course as I told you the the lads worked with a man .
7 The police had shot the man in the head after he had fired on Police a number of times as they chased him .
8 Rose looked helplessly down to where the old lady still flailed against her pillows , catching her breath on each series of cackles as they left her throat .
9 Five Hull defenders were left trailing by the youngster 's electrifying pace and change of direction as he scorched his way to the line .
10 She turned towards Ben as she answered him , ‘ Well , because I know there 's a lot to learn . ’
11 Fernando refilled her teacup , letting out a sigh of disbelief as he did it .
12 Grasping her small suitcase in one hand , Gina followed the sign , drawing up with a soft exclamation of pleasure as she found herself in an oblong courtyard surrounded on two sides by what was obviously her hotel , a tall building of nineteenth-century architecture , its red-tiled roof gabled and decorated with iron curlicues , its many-paned white-framed windows set in mellowed red brick reflecting the pale northern sunshine .
13 His husky moan of arousal as she placed her hands on his warm chest shattered the last remnants of any uncertainty she might have felt , and her arms closed about him as she revelled in the hard pressure of Ross 's body , the slight roughness of his masculine jaw as her silk gown was torn away and he pressed his burning lips to the soft , fragrant valley between her full breasts .
14 They were good , big bells , the bells of St Saviour 's , and when they rang that crisp Saturday morning in December , the echo of their music returned across the harbour to the people of Polruan as they made their way up the hill to see the two couples joined in matrimony .
15 Immediately , Dora put her expression to rights , even squeezing out a polite smile of thanks as he set her glass in front of her , the epitome of a well-bred Englishwoman who never reveals her feelings before servants or foreigners .
16 Middlesbrough 's battle-weary troops were cheered by thousands of fans as they made their way to a civic reception in an open-topped bus .
17 Some of the early groups joining the Modular Course as they faced the same problem of replacing London external degrees ( humanities and social science ) felt the strong hand of management as they exercised their ‘ academic ’ decision to join .
18 Early evening , a rhomboid of sunlight mellowing on the wall , Brahms ' violin concerto ripening towards its second movement , the pungent crispness of gin as it swamped her tongue .
19 Her silent philosophising ended with a yelp of indignation as she found her forefinger nipped between strong white teeth .
20 Jim appeared , dressed in shorts and an outrageous T-shirt that had Lindsey in fits of laughter as she shed her white coat .
21 To feed Mr Kronweiser false letters and die of laughter as he lapped them up .
22 ‘ How do those old devils get through seven courses ? ’ asked Milton of Pooley as they ate their grilled Dover sole .
23 Her hands fumbled with the bunch of keys as she let herself into her own flat again .
24 She heard the clink of glasses being placed on the wall , heard the rustle of clothing as he removed his jacket and placed it warmly round her shoulders .
25 That hot mouth moved over her hot , shivering skin , inciting fierce moans of desire as she stroked his dark hair .
26 ‘ Ooh , me bones do n't half ache today , ’ grumbled Jackie one chilly morning towards the end of November as he heaved himself up under his blanket and lit his bit of candle .
27 ‘ … spare my life for the love of Heaven as I spared yours , ’ rejoined the girl , clinging to him .
28 ‘ It 's in our line of business as you said yourself . ’
29 Self and Citrine frequently had to sit through the same item of business as it made its way through three , or in extreme cases five , formal meetings of different bodies before being finally approved .
30 To be honest , he had hardly given rugby the time of day as he spent his Saturday afternoons on the soccer pitch , writes Graham Tait .
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