Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as [noun] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhat perversely , however , what I want to retain from Adorno , and from his consistent reproach , is the centrality of difference as negation rather than as variation : a difference which is not ‘ indifferent ’ , but in which something is at stake ; and a difference , more difficultly , which is not solely dependent on what Raymond Williams somewhere calls ‘ the more negotiable process of consumption ’ .
2 If one thinks in terms of the ‘ cosmic Christ ’ , or the second person of the trinity , one conceives of Christ as God rather than as a human .
3 A study of Mary as queen rather than as a woman of great misfortune and ultimate tragedy necessitates discussion of what was happening when the central figure of the monarch was off-stage , and especially before her debut , when the scene of her rule was set ; the problems which her absence created , and the way in which others struggled to resolve them are as relevant as the short period of her personal reign .
4 First , it reiterates and extends the list of central purposes of the curriculum as outlined in the 1944 Education Act ; secondly , it establishes the priority of individual and social needs over the economic , the needs of pupils as pupils rather than as future wage-earners .
5 Apart from this belief in the straightforward truth of books which would now be seen as in differing degrees myth , with Adam as Everyman rather than a historical figure , for example , there was diffidence about the boundaries of science .
6 We know from another text that Iavolenus raised this very question ; and he seems , broadly , to have been in favour of interpreting such modalities in legacies as terms rather than conditions .
7 In order to claim a scientific status for Marxism as knowledge rather than ideology , or non-knowledge , Althusser invoked Bachelard 's historical epistemology which allowed him to posit the idea of a radical discontinuity between the two , with Marxist science separated from earlier forms of non-knowledge in Marx 's texts by an ‘ epistemological break ’ .
8 Second , although the peer-group norm is characterized by speakers as Dyirbal rather than English , the extent of its Dyirbal admixture ( sometimes only around 50 per cent ) corresponds to the extent to which traditional Dyirbal features are controlled by the least fluent Dyirbal speaker in the group .
9 The Climate Council , a lobbying organization representing the US energy industry , has written to the UN 's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) warning that its projections — due to be included in a revised report on climate change to be published in the run-up to the UNCED in Rio de Janeiro — might be interpreted by outsiders as forecasts rather than as " scenarios " , as intended by the IPCC .
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