Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] we [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Of course we also have to recognize that in the kind of world in which we live , it is possible to have inward peace and security and yet to suffer from various problems with our bodies .
2 If we preserve both standards of review we then have to assign different subject-matter areas to each test .
3 And if you take into account that the words , A general presumption against , were common phraseology in policies in the nineteen eighties and we now use the er play against presumption we now have to use the phrase , Will not normally be permitted .
4 In order to arrive off difficult coastlines in daylight we often had to sail at night from the Outer Isles .
5 Thus in Britain we usually have to resort to a occupation-based definition .
6 Answer guide : The point being illustrated here is that although we have been told the finite life of the machine and we are aware of the reasons for the loss in utility we still have to make estimates of when the machine will cease to be useful .
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