Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] ['s] [noun] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The third argument for Labour 's cautiousness is only slightly more convincing .
2 The strength of Oulton 's art is now revealed to be its sympathy with decorative rather than ‘ masterly ’ traditions .
3 In summary , one can say beyond reasonable doubt that if one were asked to choose which of Slade 's apprentices is most likely to have made the harpsichord on which Handel rests his elbow , the evidence weighs very heavily in favour of William Smith .
4 The capital logic of Harvey 's work is continually expressed in the functionalism assigned to the built environment .
5 With this area desensitized , it is only a matter of time before the sensitivity of faith 's communication is also numbed .
6 However , the standard edition of Hobbes ' writings is nearly 150 years old and suffers from serious defects and omissions .
7 A much more likely explanation of Libet 's findings is simply that all experiences are delayed relative to the stimulus causing them , so that synchronous external events produce synchronous experiences .
8 Like the quotation of Greimas in Thru , Amalgamemnon 's abduction of Herodotus 's text is clearly an act of retribution .
9 The body of Nikandre 's statue is as formally constructed as the head , and similar clothed bodies with Daedalic heads are found on a smaller scale in many materials : terracotta , bronze , ivory , gold-relief .
10 His particular application of Benveniste 's terms is actually rather bizarre and unproductive .
11 If the whole notion of Designers ' Saturday is altogether too much for you , or if your designer credentials are simply too thin to merit attendance , do not despair .
12 and put it down , it , on the kitchen floor of this place , and in the , our sitting room we had a carpet it was er a carpet of David 's mother 's actually , but it covered the entire sitting room and it looked rather nice you know , because it was a big room and we also had a carpet of sorts in the bedroom .
13 Fortunately , this magnificent and irreplaceable part of Ayrshire 's heritage is now on permanent display to the public in Kilwinning 's new public library .
14 We revealed yesterday that another of Courtney 's victims is still too terrified to tell police that he attacked her .
15 From the foregoing , it will be clear that the nature of AEA 's business is now far removed from the original nuclear mission .
16 The meme of Darwin 's theory is therefore that essential basis of the idea which is held in common by all brains that understand the theory .
17 But cheap ‘ digs ’ within walking distance of Queen 's University is now at a premium .
18 The pathogenesis of Dieulafoy 's disease is still unclear .
19 . An alternative form of Einstein 's equation is also useful .
20 In fact the hade of Fleming 's Vein is nowhere regular as the miners were to find out in due course .
21 The publishing director of Burke 's Peerage is apparently concerned that the Prince ( and even more so the Princess ) of Wales are letting the side down in matters of etiquette .
22 Though the upshot of Berkeley 's theory is relatively easy to grasp , what he says in its support is somewhat inadequate .
23 Though this period of Chicago 's history is normally associated with the more ethnographic , qualitative tradition of social research , both Park and Burgess were aware of the work of the social survey movement both in the United States and in Britain .
24 The religious aspect of Rubens ' works is usually encountered only in the great continental galleries of Europe : American museums ( and their trustees ) generally shy away from such stern Roman Catholic imagery , preferring the Rubens of Helene Fourment , cheerful Madonnas and putti , all apple-cheeked and plump ( preferably in oil sketches ) .
25 What was true of Rodin 's sculpture is also worth consideration by any reader of a sculptural monograph .
26 The starting point of Poulantzas ' theory is thus a view of capitalist society as a bipartite whole , made up of contradictory structures and class practices .
27 The theologians ' determination to rest their faith on something more secure than history has made them more than willing , in many circumstances , to accept that the historical evidence of Jesus ' life is as patchy as the most sceptical secular historian says it is .
28 Circumcision The story of Jesus ' circumcision is very brief .
29 In the case of Byrd it has almost always been the latter ; and this is one reason why the performance practice of Byrd 's music is sorely in need of revolution .
30 The question of God 's existence is merely one of these central problems .
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