Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] from [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Greenpeace 's scientific director , Susan Mayer , warned that discharges of toxic waste into rivers and from there into the sea could soon trigger " marine meltdown " a large-scale collapse of fish and sea mammal populations " .
2 The dancing begins at 6.30pm until 8pm for nine-year-olds and from 8.30pm to 10.30pm for children up to the age of 16 .
3 The structure in the bowling crease was used to co-ordinate two cameras which filmed bowlers from side-on and from directly behind the arm .
4 In view of mounting criticism both within Nepal and from abroad about the lack of minimum basic freedom in the country , the government stated that departmental action would be taken against local officers if it could be proved that detention orders were issued with bad intentions .
5 Among the wreckage here are the belongings of families who came from Britain and from all over the world .
6 In the early days it had looked as if the directors would be the key men in Hollywood and from all over America men anxious to use the format to say something had been attracted to the movies .
7 Japanese troops moved into Burma from Thailand and Malaya and advanced threateningly on Rangoon , so on 30th January 1942 my wife and three children left the city on a crowded river steamer , to go north to Mandalay and from there on by road to Maymyo .
8 After wintering in London on they travelled in March 1572 up-country to Lancaster and from thence across the first part of the Morecambe Bay sands to their stop-over with the Prestons at Holker .
9 They would travel to Hamburg , then by boat to Hull : many of them intending to go on to Liverpool and from there to America .
10 Although we were officially the London helpline , we got calls from all over Britain and from all over the world .
11 Then along the highest sea cliffs in England to Staithes and from there to Whitby .
12 Customs officials have discovered that the onions were driven from Valencia in Spain to Dover and from there to Gateshead , before being driven south , first to Birmingham , then Evesham and discovery .
13 From 1877 to 1880 he gained experience in the locomotive , carriage , and wagon drawing offices at Swindon and from then until 1882 worked with Armstrong 's son on the development of an improved automatic braking system which overcame the defects of previous systems which had been the cause of serious railway accidents .
14 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
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