Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] it is not " in BNC.

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1 It is hardly surprising that there is a high degree of confusion and it is not always clear who is to blame ( or can claim credit ) for particular activities .
2 I mean yes of course we should live harmoniously together er who would y'know , sector of those people who have taken advantage of the right to buy and and so on and so forth but we talking about housing management in about housing management costs and if you have an estate of y'know being repaired similar houses which a lot of our estates are , it makes sense that they 're managed as it were centrally er and because that 's the most efficient way of doing it erm if you have a variety of different landlords in er one estate or one street and all the houses are similar , when it comes to things like modernisation and so forth it it 's duplicated a great deal of er er er of work and it is not cost efficient and it does n't make any common sense at all .
3 Now it is used by all types of banks and it is not uncommon for NBFIs to lend surplus funds through this market .
4 In saying this , of course , we are simply restating the fundamental question of psycholinguistics and it is not to be expected that there is some answer to the problem of explanation or even a commonly agreed way of investigating the issues involved .
5 Marx 's own use of the term is tied up with his critique of idealism and it is not surprising that when in his later work he turned his attention to a materialist analysis of the capitalist mode of production , the term and concept of ideology occurs infrequently .
6 The above ideas were generated mainly on the basis of experiments and it is not surprising that many of the key characteristics of thinking in real situations were not given sufficient weight .
7 Bream can and do eat gallons of bait but it is not wise to overdo things if they are finicky .
8 However , the TNC-dominated export industries tend to employ more women than men.The reasons for this have stimulated a great deal of argument and it is not always possible to generalize cross-culturally .
9 To attempt to review all the molecular theories of the mechanical properties would require a very considerable amount of space and it is not the purpose of this book to do this .
10 Hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia are common accompaniments of diabetes and it is not illogical to anticipate similar benefits if these atherogenic factors are dealt with effectively in the diabetic patient .
11 Relevant knowledge is a precondition of autonomy but it is not synonymous with it .
12 I think Amber has had some during biology but it is not enough and I will be talking to the Parent Teachers Association about it . ’
13 ‘ The world is only slowly emerging from recession and it is not certain whether Germany 's has been arrested .
14 The tone is distinctly altered from that in the earlier passage on the grace in Christ but it is not unaffected by it : and the formal Latin prayer which concludes the section is followed by one for grace to feel the love of God , addressed
15 With few notable exceptions , legal department tend to be small to medium in size and it is not uncommon to find that solicitors work along .
16 Such erosion is also contributing to accelerated sedimentation in reservoirs but it is not the only cause , as Tejwani ( 1987b ) has discussed in relation to reservoirs in the Indian Himalaya .
17 At the time of the investigation , 300 cases were still in hospital and it is not known how many will later develop cirrhosis of the liver , to which veno-occlusive disease is known to be contributory factor .
18 There is a slight indication of this in spinea but it is not as marked as in hamula. 5 .
19 We do have cause for concern but it is not a problem which can be solved by law enforcement alone .
20 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
21 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
22 Ahi sā , in its positive form , reflects a great deal of the teaching of the New Testament on love and it is not really surprising that Jesus should be referred to as one who manifested ahi sā in its perfect form .
23 The argument was plausible when the franchise was based on property but it is not obvious today .
24 It is true that the capitalist system of production with its inherent conflicts between workers and management makes for inefficiency but it is not necessarily true , as they claim , that collectivism is a more powerful force for productivity than individualism .
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