Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun sg] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The dash The the the sort of headline dash out of the House of Commons , the moment the news breaks , to get on television with some quick quote .
2 I spent the brief stop at the small town of Kenora hanging out of the open doorway past George 's office , watching him , on the station side of the train , walk a good way up and down outside while he checked that all looked well .
3 Novell hopes to have a new version of DR DOS out by the middle of this year .
4 What seemed to be happening was the spread of population growth out from the major urban centres where it had occurred in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries progressively to the more rural periphery , leaving a population loss in its wake .
5 Well not in the herring fishing but er there was also a a salt fish kind of processing place out in the Hens And me mother work at it and she used to tell us about I supposed they 'll be not rubber boats in that d days .
6 He conveys with a sure sense of atmosphere and detail the satisfaction of getting a job done , the feeling of being within a tradition of a long line of settlers of the land , and the sheer hard work which that entails : from persuading recalcitrant committees to support his endeavours to the literally back-breaking labour of dragging obstinate lumps of bog oak out of the peat to facilitate ploughing .
7 He would sit by the little fire he had built underneath it , watching the drops of spirit trickle out of the tubes into bottles partially filled with apricot jam .
8 okay , so the , there , what you 're saying is that the , the rural wage is a sub a subsistence wage , which is im by definition , sort the minimum wage you require to live on and er , there are possibilities of much higher incomes else elsewhere , so the , the subsistence wage itself may well act as quite er , strong sort of push factor out of the rural areas , let alone erm , high wages in er , er , the urban areas .
9 On the shoulders of these characters would rest a final responsibility for conveying four of the six principles of TV drama out to the audiences at home .
10 We lack any mechanism or will to keep the rancour of party politics out of the process of composition .
11 Those humble seeds were the sticking point in negotiations between the US and EC which led to Washington walking out of the Gatt trade talks in Chicago this week .
12 The government has decided to take power over sex education out of the hands of local authorities and give it to school governors and parents .
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