Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [was/were] go to be " in BNC.

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1 The battles in Russia , Africa and Normandy became mere words , to be heard punctually from the loudspeaker at three or four o'clock , from the English news-reader if German security was sufficiently relaxed , or from anybody who thought he knew what the next allotment of words was going to be about .
2 It was widely felt , while the Bill was passing into law , that the programmes of study were going to be inflexibly prescriptive .
3 Even if the troops currently under arms could be knocked into shape , finding yet more reserves of manpower was going to be difficult .
4 For quite a lot of people the last day of October was going to be a very rough day indeed .
5 Zen 's barking background could only have been a big plus the day he found a newborn baby whose entire experience of life was going to be lying abandoned for a few hours by a creek near Plymouth .
6 So long as people continued to live in their old houses , surrounded by their old friends and neighbours , and had not broken with a routine of life which perhaps dated back generations , then the re-moulding of mentalities was going to be a frustratingly slow process , particularly for an engineer of human souls who was no longer young .
7 Newcastle reckoned their match against Oxford was going to be one big party .
8 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
9 Clearly he had realised that , with Mr Green answering the phone , any conversation he had with Rosemary was going to be very one-sided .
10 Ianthe said she would try to come , though it seemed as if Wednesdays in Lent were going to be almost too devotional with her uncle 's course of sermons at St Basil 's in the evenings .
11 But in the weeks before they left they worked extremely hard at their fitness , were coached by Geoff Boycott to improve their batting technique , and insisted to the press that people back home in England were going to be pleasantly surprised .
12 Then Brandt went into a tea shop , in spite of feeling that his new landlady 's fried bread for breakfast was going to be more than enough to see him through the day .
13 Now her presence at Moorlake was going to be complicating for both of them .
14 Then I discovered a section on sailing vessels and decided that travelling the world by schooner was going to be my main occupation post-release .
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