Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [is] [noun] [coord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maureen says her priority for homes is comfort and light — her own abode is a ‘ mixture of old and new ’ — and she champions individual taste over trendiness .
2 Another source of modification to bone that begins soon after death is dispersal and breakage by trampling .
3 The exception to that of course is York but York would n't be affected by this open countryside policy er at all .
4 Another pair of compatibles is husband and policeman ; both belong to the category of human males , and Arthur is/is not a husband and Arthur is/is not a policeman are logically independent .
5 Another critic who took up the moral cudgels against the ‘ spicy ’ jokes and suggestive songs described how ‘ this kind of garbage is part and parcel of the repertoire of nearly every music hall in the kingdom … it puts decency and clean-living at a discount , and it glorifies immorality all round ’ .
6 Trained to respect the hierarchy of command , the military are well viewed by civilian organizations — including large public and private sector companies — where respect for the chain of command is part and parcel of ‘ the management 's right to manage ’ .
7 Source of funds Its main source of funds is bonds and loans raised on a commercial basis on the capital markets in the EC and on other international markets also .
8 ‘ If you look at Chemicals & Polymers now , the majority of research is market and demand led , being done because you can see a customer need .
9 The appurtenance of welcome is fashion and ceremony .
10 There is no single answer to questions as to whether the use of law is right or wrong .
11 If A claims the ownership of land by reason of B 's bequest or sale to him , this only raises the question , On what is B 's ownership based ? and ultimately we shall have to rest content with saying that the root of A's title is the possession of some predecessor , X. Such evidence , however , is not conclusive .
12 However , one outcome of contact is simplification and loss of distinctions , and [ h ] -loss results in loss of a distinction — as in the pair hall and all .
13 the content of communications is information and advice rather than instructions — participation rather than control .
14 The clearest sign of puberty is ejaculation or emission , and glandular secretions also account for growth of the penis , growth of hair on the face and body , and the deepening of the voice .
15 Vegetation : Much of Australia is savannah or grassland , inhabited by sheep farmers and small oil , gas or mineral mining colonies .
16 The minimum face value of paper is £500,000 and maturities can range from 7 days to one year .
17 All of life is bits and pieces .
18 Perhaps one of the greatest inhibitors of performance is fear or anxiety .
19 ‘ The lifeblood of markets is information and barriers to the flow of relevant information represent imperfections in the market .
20 But whether the storehouse of information is DNA or RNA , the crucial question is the error rate on copying .
21 But in fact the notion of class is not well defined , a stratificational analysis is not objective , and a sociolinguistic analysis which is heavily dependent upon the notion of prestige is part and parcel of a stratificational model .
22 ( B ) the word ‘ solicitor(s) ’ is sufficient in itself to indicate that a solicitor 's jurisdiction of qualification is England and Wales . ’
23 ‘ What I can provide for Kirsty is security and love .
24 Oxford United manager Brian Horton knows tomorrow 's match against Tranmere is make or break .
25 Majority shareholder in Bravo is Cable & Wireless ( C&W ) , which also owns Mercury , the communications company .
26 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
27 If A 's goods are wrongfully in B 's possession or control , there is no need for A to go to the expense of litigation to recover them .
28 Using InterQ , SmartStream applications can can access data from Dun 's E and M series mainframe applications and from IBM Corp DB2 and CICS systems and send it to the server system .
29 The mens rea in assault is intention or recklessness , as stated by Lord Simon ( dissenting ) in DPP v Morgan [ 1976 ] AC 182 , approved by Lord Elwyn-Jones C in DPP v Majewski [ 1977 ] AC 443 .
30 Down the road from Adrspach is Teplice and Metuji , home of some gobsmacking cracklines .
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