Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb pp] to an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lift and drag have been calculated for tails spread to an apical angle of 120° .
2 But in the last six months his father 's image had begun to intrude on his consciousness at odd moments , in the middle of a meeting , across a boardroom table , in a gesture , the droop of an eyelid , the tone of a voice , the line of a speaker 's mouth , the shape of fingers splayed to an open fire .
3 The loss of amenities caused to an elderly person as a result of his injuries can be more severe precisely because he is old and has already suffered some impairment of his activities on that account .
4 The only other dissenter is Mary Midgley who , with good sense , questions the pride of place given to an unambiguous vegetarianism ( 1983 : 25–7 ) : ‘ What the animals need most urgently is probably a campaign for treating them better before they are eaten ’ , and she augments this by advocating a gradual move towards the consumption of less meat ( 27 ) .
5 The allegations of breach of duty related to an unqualified report signed by the auditors for Berg 's accounts for the year ended 31 March 1982 .
6 The release of myeloperoxidase correlated to an enhanced local release of the neutrophil activating peptide interleukin 8 ( IL-8 ) .
7 For the design of energy management systems offers a new diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to an ideal form : like the Panopticon , the design of their microelectronic circuitry represents the functioning of control abstracted from any obstacle , resistance or friction and detached from any specific use .
8 SIR , — In your April 24 editorial you state that the risk for patients exposed to an HIV-infected healthcare worker ( HCW ) can not be accurately calculated but must be small .
9 Our hypothesis is that specialised type CLO predisposes to the development of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus because of increased proliferative activity and that tumour development occurs in patients exposed to an environmental carcinogen most commonly ingested in cigarette smoke .
10 Therefore , if were incorrectly derived from an acoustic waveform that in fact corresponded to an intended production of thanks for sending me your letter , the syntactic/semantic component would not only have to reject all the improbable competitors such as thanks force ending knee your letter , but also to identify that the word knee has been incorrectly derived instead of me .
11 No no I we 're not saying that at all , that 's a different proposition entirely er certainly the County Council is at this moment in time committed to an outer northern relief road , I do n't think there 's any question of that .
12 Second , and more substantial , there is the kind of objection to proposals linked to an Alternative Economic Strategy which has been raised by Cutler et al .
13 This report describes a study design to establish whether nursing is — or can be — therapeutic , by evaluating the effect on patients admitted to an experimental clinical nursing unit where therapeutic nursing was practised .
14 Safety controls were poor at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal , India , at the time of the 1984 gas leak that killed 3,000 people , according to documents presented to an Indian court .
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