Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 She held out hope and it was taken eagerly and when with each letter the hope waned she was ready to support Mrs Browning 's own faith that death was but an extension of life and not to be feared .
2 A greenbelt agreed in principle by the Secretary of State but yet to be defined statutorily , a general absence of consensus on where future development in Greater York should be located , and increasing intervention by the Secretary of State on planning applications in Greater York .
3 I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father .
4 ‘ It must be hell having a woman like Gwen and not to be able to strut around in public possession .
5 Steel forgings , bound for Jordan and possibly to be used in the supergun 's bridge section , were seized by the Italian authorities .
6 Allowing for stations under construction but yet to be commissioned , the board needs no new plant to be in place until 1997 in this scenario for energy growth .
7 Co-operative or not , Cotterell was obviously in charge and not to be messed about with while he set up a commission .
8 Also , not to be able to take part in things and not to be able to go out in the evening I find difficult .
9 Slightly to the east of the Sike is a long shakehole opening into Newby Moss pot , 315 feet in depth and therefore to be avoided ; and there are other mantraps nearby .
10 That is , they did until the watershed of the 1790s when , inspired by events in France and soon to be given a " red book " in Tom Paine 's Rights of Man , the first popular movement for radical reform appeared .
11 This showed that we have now implemented the majority of the recommendations while the remainder are either well in hand or about to be tackled .
12 He knew he would do it all again , because as he looked across the manicured lawns , the buildings shrouded now in darkness but soon to be brilliant in the blazing sunlight , the scene embodied all his dreams .
13 The hardest task for his subordinates is to decide what the phrase ( now often shortened to NWO and not to be confused with the airline that used to be called Northwest Orient ) might mean .
14 " Nothing is more confusing to staff than not to be able to foresee with reasonable certainty how a significant issue is likely to be resolved " ( Earley and Fletcher Campbell 1989:184 ) .
15 A large proportion of these anti-social crimes are committed by young people who are on bail or yet to be tried — people who laugh at the law while continuing to break it .
16 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
17 She ( and occasionally he ) is seen by some as an unnecessary interference in the realm of the doctor , by others as a monitor to assess clients ' suitability for treatment , and by others again as a provider of information about treatment , advice about choices and generally to be a shoulder to cry on .
18 These methods enable doctors to detect babies that may have problems with breathing at birth and therefore to be in a position to treat the condition promptly .
19 Educators advocate a mental flexibility and independence , while teaching practice aims at transmission of knowledge and culture , traditions that are certified by authorities and not to be questioned … these factors result in a very great weakness of the exclusive reliance on text books and other such authoritative sources of information .
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