Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
2 Hence , they are better value for money and potentially a stronger unit which will last longer .
3 Disappointment for Oxford , joy for Swindon and perhaps a few more converts to Rugby League .
4 In this context the operator requires a guide for action and not a scientific text-book .
5 World spatial systems afford an enormous scope for review but perhaps the dominant trend has been towards the differentiation of the earth 's surface on a more realist dynamic basis to replace a more static arid functional treatment that had been current previously .
6 The second involves the settling of cells onto a slide surface through a sucrose , saline or other solution , and has been used principally for oocytes , but may be useful for spermatocytes if only a thin suspension is available .
7 But the signals need boosting , ideally after 250m and certainly every 2 km .
8 The tyres screamed and fought for grip and then the whole car did a little wiggle like the backside of a pouncing cat and stormed on , back in the direction from which it had come .
9 It was fascinating to watch the great rolls of white newsprint turn as the thin sheets moved into the press , round inky lead plates , through rollers and down the V-shaped folding machine , to be cut into proper size , folded , stacked sideways and passed into waiting hands .
10 Scottish Members of Parliament has been reduced to the nefarious nine , and now that the Secretary of State for Scotland and virtually every one of that nefarious nine trembles on the edge of the abyss of a total political wipeout in Scotland , will the Government finally see the sense of coming to the negotiating table and talking about Scottish government ?
11 The psychoanalytic movement , partly under Freud 's own direction , did develop the characteristics of a sectarian organization rather than those of an open scientific community , but this does not invalidate the arguments for psychoanalysis as potentially a key component of the human sciences .
12 Their rarity has led to the suggestion by Briscoe that the majority were made of a less durable material such as wood or even a soft stone such as chalk .
13 But there was one , remarkable throw of the dice left for England and how the 4,000 crowd loved it .
14 There were lots of reasons but obviously the main one was because some staff joined the scheme , others did n't .
15 Not only did David 's suggestion earn him a Winning Ideas Gold Award and the tidy sum of £1,000 but also a luxury trip to the Imola San Marino Grand Prix .
16 They do not realise that to make a discovery of some magnitude requires not only great ability and a bit of luck but also a considerable investment of time and effort in mastering a demanding discipline .
17 The modern cycle has enormous gears and other fitments for riding on all types of roads and usually no fitted lights .
18 Notice that it reflects less a dramatic change in the number of mergers and more a spectacular increase in the size of companies involved .
19 Founded in 1583 , the University has a distinguished tradition of learning and of innovation , including examples in the Arts ( Edinburgh established the first Chair of English Literature in Britain ) , in the Sciences ( with the UK 's first Chair of Agriculture and latterly the first Chair and Department of Artificial Intelligence ) and , of course , in Medicine and the other professions .
20 So the idea is you have some kind of token so that er , classic example in sort of junior schools , primary schools , that y'know if a child actually does what you want it to do , it gets a kind of star in a star chart and added up so many stars it gets some kind of present and basically the same kind of thing can be applied in clinical and in occupational settings as well .
21 The same Electoral Register is used for both types of election and much the same criteria for inclusion and exclusion are applied .
22 The temptation is to rush out to lose one 's aloneness in all sorts of activities and perhaps a wild search for replacement company .
23 Science , then , is not the whole of experience but only an abstract mode of experience .
24 : Fb The kind of erm cinema that will have being two-screens , it 's going to allow the sort of variety that probably the Regal in the past was n't able to give to them , because we can as a policy have a constantly erm a constant turnover of different films .
25 If the direction is reversed the defect is called a fold , while if the defect causes neither displacement nor reversal of direction but only a local disordering of the zigzag configuration it is called a kink .
26 Reflecting the connection between good teaching and its management and good learning , institutional statements about the principles of in-service work include , as an example , " The ultimate aim of all in-service education for teachers is the improvement of pupil/student learning through the development of teachers as reflective , autonomous professionals who have not only developed a range of skills but also a broad knowledge of understanding of subject content and of the conceptual framework of teaching and learning . "
27 He went on at some length about the idiocy of the strategic bombing of Germany and how the Red Army had won the war in Europe .
28 In a speech to the Romanian Communist Party Congress earlier this week , he attacked the Stalin-Hitler pact of 1939 that carved up Poland and the Baltic states between them , but also ceded Bessarabia — then part of Romania and now the Soviet Republic of Moldavia — to Moscow .
29 Important or insignificant , customs appointments were , however , obtainable only by those who could expect a political favour , and many of the officers were in fact the nominees of a member of parliament and often the active partisans of that politician .
30 But it does mean that the job is immensely diverse , with a lot of administration and only a small element of number crunching , which he seeks out as an extra because he likes doing it .
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