Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [art] [num] years " in BNC.

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1 I had a close look at that table , obviously a matter of some interest and that 's the reason I return to this , as I read the table , there is a very substantial amount of double counting within it , for this reason , that all outstanding er planning permissions are included once , and there are then separate categories of allowance for all types of sites , namely large windfalls , conversions , small sites , and allocated sites , those are all put in , er or most of them are put in at thirteen years worth , that being the remainder of the plan period to two thousand and six , it will not have escaped you that if you include thirteen years worth all the existing commissions are part of that thirteen years , and so simplest approach to correct that table would simply to discount the outstanding commitments , because they 're all counted again as part of the thirteen years , I do have a secondary point that the allowance for conversions is very much higher than what seems to be happening , and in what is in the tables that er Mr Thomas drew it to your attention from the York City er appendix eight , so that er on on two counts , but mainly the double counting one there is a great deal of er erm optimism , if I can call it that , in that table .
2 ( ii ) The applicant will need to have the following experience : ( a ) Personally run at least 36 medical negligence cases over the previous 3 years ; and ( b ) had at least three cases set down and ready for trial in the three years prior to panel application .
3 Euromoney ranked Singapore 's economic performance as the world 's second best after Taiwan in the three years to 1992 , based on the views of 34 economists from leading banks .
4 DeRoburt was a key architect of Nauru 's campaign for compensation for the 80 years of phosphate mining which had left 80 per cent of Nauru uninhabitable and incapable of sustaining vegetation .
5 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
6 that there have n't been any forces of change for a thousand years .
7 The financial information contained in this document does not constitute the Company 's statutory accounts but has been extracted from the statutory accounts of LASMO for the five years ended 31 December 1991 and also includes certain other information .
8 Kit 's success would make Rebecca 's father rich , much richer than the family had ever been since the squandering of the fortune made in the service of the Earl of Warwick during the Hundred Years War .
9 The political murder rate , attributed primarily to the tribal police , was almost equivalent to that of Chile in the three years after the coup against Allende .
10 The political murder rate , attributed primarily to the tribal police , was almost equivalent to that of Chile in the three years after the coup against Allende .
11 The alternative to keeping quiet about these problems is , of course , to deny their very existence , and the prize for the most successful campaign of VD eradication , or alternatively the rarest piece of dissembling , must go to Communist China which claims to have got rid of syphilis in the ten years after 1950 .
12 The spread of poverty in the eight years has strained the whole nation , and widened misery and disadvantage amongst the old and young .
13 The concession will save contributor areas a total of £685m over the three years .
14 Within the area of curriculum-specific courses at the Primary Centre there were some marked changes of priority during the four years , and these are illustrated in Figure 7.3 .
15 Rowing was transformed in the breadth and depth of participation over the 30 years of his term .
16 However , we collected detailed information on the employment and labour market histories of respondents in the three years between redundancy and interview , and previous research indicates that such information can be collected reliably for such relatively short periods ( Walker 1982a ) .
17 I 've never had a contract of employment in the six years that I 've been there but erm less than forty eight hours after all this happened every employee was issued with a contract of employment .
18 God set this Iain Og on the hot hob of hell for a thousand years — but not before I catch him ! ’
19 SIR , — Of a total of 3715,762 infants delivered in Japan after 23 weeks of gestation over the three years 1989 to 1991 , 22,531 were stillborn .
20 The Forestry Commission sold 42,800 hectares of land in the five years to 31 March 1991 .
21 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
22 It is less sure that anyone in 1975 could have foreseen the dramatic increase in the demand for places in the ten years to follow .
23 Russian support for Austria in the Seven Years War ( 1756–63 ) brought Prussia to the brink of ruin : Frederick the Great was saved only by the death of Elizabeth ( 1741–61 ) .
24 It expects 1992 's growth to decline one point on 1991 , forecasts 20% for 1993–95 , with 10% for the two years after that .
25 Why will he not accept responsibility for the rise in telecommunication charges above inflation during the 13 years of the Government 's misrule ?
26 It was Gwynne who in 1696 proposed the introduction of a loyal association , in response to revelations about the assassination plot , and who in 1698 led the inquiry into clandestine trade with France during the nine years ' war .
27 He served with both Horse and Foot in Germany during the Seven Years ' War , an experience to which he often subsequently referred .
28 In addition to the 15 years of dialogue with the CNAA recorded above the Modular Course has been required to negotiate with a series of professional bodies about the appropriateness for professional recognition of study on various of its fields .
29 The authority spent twenty thousand pounds on the eviction , half what the squatters say they 'd have paid in rent over the two years
30 It was the persuasion of the Vice Society that led Lord Chancellor Campbell to push through the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 , an Act which was to remain in force for a hundred years , and this was followed by the establishment of the first ( and short-lived ) Obscene Publications police squad in London .
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