Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] it [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You can erm by word of mouth recommendations it means that we , we have to spend less money on advertising , now that means that in the long run we can pass that on to the client like yourself
2 In the shadow of Mount Etna it seemed that nothing much had changed .
3 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
4 For Mrs Whitehouse it seemed that the Church was under a concerted attack and that , if it was not vigorously defended , then there would be nothing to prevent ‘ the tide of permissiveness ’ or the advance of the ‘ new morality ’ .
5 — The question of job swaps was not clear in Tim 's paper — for example for Area Secretaries it meant that they wanted to job swap they could do so by moving region
6 The traveller who rides on a local bus can learn a lot : in the mountains of Greece everyone clings on for dear life and makes the sign of the cross at every bend in the road ; in the Thar Desert , Rajasthan , a sense of humour is essential , especially when the giggling driver moves the sheltering bus to reveal squatting passengers answering the call of nature , and in South America it helps if you do n't mind sitting next to a chicken or sharing the floor with a goat .
7 Wood and the RFU are adamant that the game should remain amateur , while in South Africa it appears that contingency plans are already afoot to buy the Springboks out of isolation .
8 That 's what in , in , in ground terms it means and we hope they will respond .
9 In East Suffolk it appeared that the Ipswich branch could provide a nucleus around which another successful enterprise might be constructed .
10 In co-evolution terms it means that herbivorous dinosaurs may have grown large as a means of attaining thermal stability .
11 From another statement in Taskopruzade 's article on Fahreddin Acemi it appears that he also studied under , and was licensed in by , Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi .
12 According to Mr Prescott it indicates that ‘ urgent advice ’ was sought from Eurotunnel by Robert Bailey , secretary of Safety Authority , a panel of independent experts , on questions of safety raised by the MP .
13 Erm and that how that but through land reform it meant that how that you had erm credit difficulties and that how that landlords who prev previously provided the credit were no longer there and so that meant that how that erm that exasperated problems of increasing productivity and also there was a severe shortage of farm implements and animals cos they were n't redistributed , there was only the surplus that was taken away from the rich peasants and landlords , it meant that how that the , the rich peasants erm you know , got back er they sort of were a self-perpetuating elite in that how the poor peasants just did n't have the means to improving their production .
14 For quantum systems it seems that once they have met there is never true parting .
15 Because if you start messing your duvet up at night times it means that you do n't want to sleep underneath it cos it goes all scrunchy and horrible , and all the duvet bit comes out of the cover .
16 There had been a lot of activity in and around Brigade H.Q It appears that the enemy in front of the Commando positions has started to pull out , possibly due to the Allied advance in the Caen area about ten miles from here .
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