Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And another senior colleague Steve Mcleod on my right , whose primary responsibility is with the value for money work that we undertake on your behalf .
2 Those were hectic days — he can remember coming home so tired after watch duty that he fell into bed , still dressed in over-coat , tin hat and boots .
3 Another consideration is whether or not the supplier can offer the level of after sales service that you require , since like any other type of equipment a softener requires regular servicing and maintenance in order to keep it operating at peak efficiency .
4 I 'd said to Mr Palmer in 1960 after St Andrews that I 'd caddie for him anywhere .
5 Depositors are commonly financial institutions and multinational firms looking for a more profitable or convenient outlet for dollar deposits that they have acquired in the USA .
6 But at that same moment Giles had lurched through the crowd to her side and draped a possessive arm around her shoulders , muttering through a cloud of whisky fumes that they had to talk .
7 any form of hair replacement that you see down the hai down the street , this gentleman here is just anti-hair and the story whether it 's your hair up there trying to grow it or whatever .
8 I note what the hon. Gentleman says , but I have to make the point that it will not be possible to keep any design capability , any warship-building capability or any manufacturing capability for the sort of defence components that we need unless the Government are prepared to fund the defence programme at a sensible level .
9 One would assume that they might but Kurt Benirschke and Margaret Sullivan , while at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire , could not find a single egg in the 47 pairs of mule ovaries that they examined .
10 Now a podgy , desperately unfit bar-fly , he simply was n't up to taking on the Man of Action role that he craved .
11 Unless there is drastic action based on the Woolf report , rather than the sort of band-aid solution that we have heard about today , I fear that there will be an increase in disturbances , especially if there is yet another unexpected surge in the prison population .
12 The Bill and the Rothschild report , with their prospects for the closure of 30 collieries in England and Wales , do nothing to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce .
13 Nowhere is this more so than in the sub-division of crime fiction that I have labelled the " crime novel " .
14 We 've done a quick calculation of interview sheets that we think we , we need , I need two boxes for Caernarfon , Jan needs three , we 've got four and a half boxes already , we were gon na order two just to be on the same safe , but we 're just looking into erm whether we need , how many we need on the R S I 's on the M sixty three cos we might as well order them all together , save
15 Although excess zinc may interfere with the absorption of iron and vice versa , it is unlikely that the low µg levels of trace metals that we have shown in gastric juice affect the absorption of exogenous trace metals .
16 For example , I have found in my own reading research that a specialist bibliography entitled Readers and Library Users , by Martin Ward , has been very helpful in making me aware of research studies that I had not come across before .
17 Sieving of this order of simplicity is not , on its own , enough to account for the massive amounts of nonrandom order that we see in living things .
18 As I escorted him , none too gently , to the door , I thanked my lucky stars for the hours of self-defence training that I had undergone , at my father 's insistence , from the age of twelve onwards .
19 The Shah shared much of Behbehanians suspicion of the British , But now in Aswan , he did not seem to be greatly in favour of Behbehanians suggestion that he throw himself in their mercy .
20 This opinion accords with that of Vinelott J. that I have cited .
21 The distinctive orange , yellow and black bike was a Christmas present for the youngster , but he has been so weak because of chemotherapy treatment that he has been able unable to ride it .
22 two packets of chicken breasts that I did n't know we had .
23 Civilization , that is , human societies , goes further than just linking family groups together through a set of work tasks that they have in common .
24 A happy precedent already exists : three years ago the Academy agreed to abandon a series of spelling changes that it had proposed in 1975 , but which had never found their way into common usage .
25 The section of B R that I work for
26 The heads reported an increase in the level of job satisfaction that they had experienced due to devolution — although one said he had n't had time to think about it !
27 This is what happens in the cases of textbook transmission that I referred to earlier : the teacher is required only to put into operation ideas which have already been realized as materials and is given no guidance in the evaluation of the validity of the principles on which the materials have been designed even when these principles are clear to the textbook writers themselves .
28 Whenever he thought about this in later years , his memory would go back to the Cuddesdon time and the shock of seeing a House of Commons pretending that it knew how people ought to say their prayers .
29 I could do a couple of tapes worth of slang words that they 've never heard of before .
30 and er I was looking at in , there 's a lot of slang words that I think what
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